Friday, December 21, 2012

Fighting With Christmas

Merry Christmas, Happy holidays, what is the right one to say? Growing up (in the 70's & 80's), I never had to worry about this. Now it's all I hear. People fighting over how to wish someone a good holiday. Some are saying "keep Christ in Christmas" (something like that), "but we don't celebrate Christmas so why should it be forced on us?"........ Can someone tell me why are even fighting about this? Does it really matter? Are we going to be harmed if "the wrong thing" is said to us? Why do we have to take everything so personal? Why can't we just accept what is being said to us no matter how it's said & just realize that someone is being nice by wishing us something good?

Christmas means something different to everyone. Not everyone that celebrates Christmas is Catholic/Christian. My family for one. We are not in any region but we still celebrate Christmas. To some Christmas is about celebrating Jesus. To others it's just about celebrating life, about giving to others, about family & friends. I personally think Christmas doesn't have to be just a religious holiday, it's about love, family & friends. Christmas is what one makes it out to be. It's nothing bad against Jesus if we don't bring him into it. Isn't more important to just love & respect one another?

Not everyone celebrates Christmas. Some celebrate other holidays this time of year. Hell some even don't celebrate a holiday. All are ok. Having all these different ways people celebrate the holidays is cool & very interesting. We should embrace it. What happened to letting everyone celebrate the way they want & embracing those differences?

Even though Christmas is the most celebrated, we shouldn't ignore the others. If lets say a county building wants to put a nativity scene in front of it, they should be able to do that without worrying about complaints. Although, if they are going to do that, I also think they should take the time to put out other things that resemble the other holidays that are celebrated.

I just don't understand why some think Christmas is being "forced" on them. No one is forcing anyone to do anything or to embrace a certain holiday. I think this madness needs to stop & get back to what the holidays REALLY mean (stated above). I am now afraid to say anything in fear of someone getting pissed with me because I didn't say it the way THEY think it should be said. How about it if someone says "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays", we just take it as someone being nice & accept it for what it is? To not worry about being politically correct? Let's stop fighting over which way is the right way to wish someone peace & love. Let's stop arguing over words & such. Let's just smile & say "same to you" no matter what someone says. Know that either way is out of good from the heart. No matter if it's Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas, it all means the same thing. Let's get back to peace & love, forget about the petty things. 

Merry Christmas/Happy holidays to everyone! 

Against Gay Marriage Companies

These days you hear a lot about companies & organizations being against same sex marriage. Then comes along whether to donate to that organization or to support that company by spending your money at a certain place. Some may chastise you for not supporting these places or for supporting these places. There is the question of what is really the right thing to do. Should one boycott a company/organization for their right to believe what they feel is right or should one just brush it off? 

Everyone has their own thoughts & feelings about this subject. It just amazing that we can sit here & focus on something like if should support or not support these places instead on focusing on more important things in life. Everyone wants to play their part in life, to help or even to not care. Hey, it's not a bad thing; after all we are all human & all of this is human instinct. Survival of the fittest if you will.

Here is my take on it. We all have a choice. We can choose to support or not to support. What we shouldn't do is judge someone who is making their choice for their own personal reasons. I personally wouldn't work for a company knowing that they have strong religious beliefs that might effect me. Would I give money to that company knowing they give money to fight against same sex marriage? Most likely not but then again it depends on the company. 

Take for instance Chick-fill-A. I don't think their food is that great, I don't have to go there for something only they sell so I don't bother. I heard Hobby Lobby craft store is run by highly religious people. I wouldn't work there but since they are the closest craft store to me & I do a lot of crafts, I have to shop there. 

The Salvation Army is another company that people have been back & forth on. Some still give their money to them & some refuse to do so all the while we sit back & argue how right or wrong whatever choice we make. I myself have battled with this one. Just yesterday I made the choice to give my loose change to the red bucket. For me it has come down to this: They help ANYBODY who is homeless & just in need of help. Why should the people that need help suffer just because the organization has different beliefs than me? Now if they were to help only those who are straight & was just vicious about everything, then yes I could see not giving them any money. As far as I know, they do nothing of the sort so why not help out people who are in need? By giving them money, I feel like I am going against those I care about that are gay. If I don't give them money, I feel bad that I am refusing to give help to those that really need it. I am still battling this one myself.

What it comes down to; every person, every company/organization has their own right & beliefs. We shouldn't put anybody down or make them feel less just because we do not agree with how they feel. Trying to boycott them is to much. These places have a right just like anybody else. They need to put food on the table too. We can simply choose not to support them, doesn't mean we have to fight with others & them just because we disagree. We should focus our energy on things that we can really change. As for something like the Salvation Army, again it's up to anyone to give them money. If they are not actively discriminating anyone (psychically harming or refusing help etc), we should continue to help those who have less than us. 

Instead lets get schools to stop treating our kids like freaks & make sure they do their job to protect kids; teach our kids that there are different people in the world & even if we may not agree with how they live, they still have rights & are humans who should be treated with respect. Focus on organizations that actually do harm to others. Focus on more important issues.

Missing the writing

I so miss writing. Since the move, it has been so hard to get back into writing anything. I am usually thinking how I need to get a job, having stupid allergy/sinus issues or just other normal everyday life things. All of this is clogging my brain and things are not coming to me like they used too.

I am hoping I can get back into the swing of things like it was before everything in life started happening at once taking up my time. I am slowly writing a Christmas story. I was hoping I would have it done by Christmas but it looks like it won't be done until after. I have written a few poems, done some photography but haven't published them anywhere but my FB page and after this little blog, I will be post another about something that is in my head. I haven't even watched that many movies to do a review on them.

I just wanted stop by to say hi and why I have stopped posting things. Hope every one is good and Happy Holidays to everyone!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Crazy Thought

Another weird crazy thought in my head.

A crazy game parents play with their kids: pretending to eat them "because they are so yummy."  :P How did this come about? 

We pretend to be cannibalistic on our kids! For fun! And they enjoy it! I admit, it's fun on both ends but it's a really strange thing to play.

"Can I eat your toes/fingers? But they're so yummy. Nom nom nom" etc etc LOL

The things that seem harmless (and are harmless) until we sit there & think about it.  Once we think about it, it's like "what the hell kind of game/song (etc) is this?" then we continue to do it because it provides harmless entertainment to our kids. Life is so amusing. :D

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Saying Goodbye To Part Of A Life

I was going to stay off the blogs until I moved but something came to mind which means I must write about it. :P

Saying goodbye to a place of 10 yrs. 10 yrs of memories. Of the good & the bad. It went by pretty fast. So fast it's scary. It's funny how one can be so ready to leave & yet sad. 10 yrs is a lot of stuff. A lot of feelings. Exploring the neighborhood, getting our first family dog, loosing our first family dog, getting another cat & loosing him who happens to be buried in the backyard. I don't want to leave him but he is probably ashes. Still......

Watching my kids grow up, having my mom out here for the first time, loosing a baby, our financials going up & down and loosing 4 different business all for different reasons. Having both my 10 yr anniversary & my 15th. So many things happened. We never think about these, we just continue to do what we do.

Taking a few mins to take a look back at everything can be mind blowing. It then hits you just how time really does fly. How lives change, how everything changes all in a short amount of time. 10 yrs is not so short of a time but the fact that it goes by so fast, it really is short. It lets you know just how precious life & time really is. This is the first house my husband & I bought together. It's funny how something like a house can mean so much.

So long house. I will cherish the memories. Here is to a new journey. Another 10 + yrs. To building more & different memories.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Going to be a bit

It's going to be a little bit before I can get back on here with more blogging. I am in the middle of moving & don't know when I will have things set back up & a little time. Hope to be back on here soon. Take care everyone. :-)

Friday, September 21, 2012

A new chapter

This past month I have been kinda quiet. Things are changing & it's hard to find time & calmness to get my thoughts out. This month we were finally told that we have to leave the house. We have/had a month. We thought we would be able to live where our bankruptcy lawyer used to live but there was miscommunication & it got rented out to someone else. Then we tried a mobile community that we have been looking at for awhile. They didn't accept us because of the bankruptcy. So we have been stuck.

A lot of places won't take us because we just filed & it just closed. We have tried to see if there is a list that we can get for people who have recently went through a bankruptcy & who need a place to live. All we find are people/companies that want money for the list. We keep getting told our situation won't be a problem but then it is. We are very honest & upfront with people when looking for a place. It is very frustrating especially since we have to be out in a couple of weeks. We are running out of time.

We do have enough money to move, have enough to pay a monthly rent. We were just dealt a bad hand that caused us to go into the bankruptcy. We are so ready for the next chapter in our lives. Once we do get settled, my husband will try to get a second job. I will try to find a job. I may even look into getting a street legal scooter to help me get around. It's cheaper than a car & I don't have to have a license if it's under 50 mph. I just have to learn how to drive & pray nothing happens to me when I am driving it. Frankly I am scared of driving because of the bad drivers out there (that is another story). 

We may have help from one of my cousins but I don't know how much he will be able to help because of our credit. My God we just need a place that isn't crappy or in a crappy neighbourhood. UGH! There has to be something out there for people like us but where? It's hard to find them when the internet is saturated with scammers. I will just be glad to finally get a place & start new. A new chapter. A new journey.

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Regrets, a lot of us have them and some of us don't. For me, being completely honest here, there is only one thing I truly regret. That is letting my elementary school fuck me over in my last year there (more of that later). Other than that, I wouldn't change anything because it has made me who I am today. With that being said, I think it's still fun to sit here & think about the things I could change if I had the chance. That is what this is about.

One of the things that I would change if I could is my whole entire elementary & high school years. Ok maybe not everything in my high school years but some of it. In elementary school, I would have fought back with words to my bullies, entertained myself on the playground instead of sitting up against the wall feeling invisible. Spoke up more to my teachers, told on the teacher that bullied me with his anger & I wouldn't have allowed my school to toss me away when there was no more room in the 7th grade class room. See when there was no more room in the class, they put me & a few other minorities in the 6th grade to fend for ourselves instead of getting a bigger class room or splitting the one 7th grade into two different class rooms. I went from 6th grade twice to 8th grade. 

In high school, I would have tried out for badminton, tried harder to go to the prom, not have let my drama teacher make me feel stupid & I would have done that one skit for my drama class that would have caused me to cry a lot (it made me think of my grandfather that passed). I would have told one of my PE teachers to stick it when she told me that my asthma wouldn't act up during an exercise on the floor & for me to keep going. I also would have complained about her. When a dean threatened to suspend me if I went to him again about someone threatening me, I would have reported him along with the person that threatened me.

Away from school, I would have some how found a way to deal with the bullies at the apartments I lived in, would have tried to turn my friend's mom in for abuse, would have been more vocal to my family about how I was feeling about things instead of being to scared to speak up. I would have made someone listen. The people that have stolen from me pay in some way, report my next door neighbour to Social Services (doing drugs & having 2 young kids), Would have spoken more to a guy that was interested in me & I would have taken more time getting to know my dad's boyfriend turned husband. I would have gotten medicine a lot earlier for my asthma. I wouldn't have said certain things on the Internet or re-worded things. 

That is pretty much all that I would change in my fantasy world. When it comes down to it, I really wouldn't change anything. I am me for a reason. I may be having some struggles with certain things but I am very thankful for what I do have. Things could be worse. We can always pretend & dream of changing things from the past but that would change everything else including who we are today. All we can do is effect our future by learning & dealing with our past.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Loooong Ass Day & A Music Man

I had a really long day but pretty eventful. My husband had gotten 2 free tickets to the baseball game & where awesome seats. We are not big sports fans but don't mind an occasional baseball game. So when he went to work, he dropped me off downtown. I didn't know exactly what time he would get off of work but it was most likely around 5pm. This gave me 7 hours to kill.

I walked around for about 6 hrs straight! I did stop a few times but just for a few mins. I did nothing but take pictures & ate lunch at McDonalds. I was thinking about eating Subway but decided to be bad & eat unhealthy. By 4:00, I couldn't do anymore. I waited at the Pavilion (shops & a movie theater)until 4:30 & decided to head towards the baseball stadium. 

When I got there, I texted my hubby to tell him I was there, took a couple of pictures of the outside & took a picture of a guy with his camera. I guess he is going all over the place getting his photo taken in front of different stadiums because he said he had 5 more stadiums to go.I sat there watching other people/families take their photos in front of the place while one of the people would be left out. Then I had an idea, that maybe I could go down there when there are games & take these photos of the families for them with their cameras so everyone could be in the picture. I wouldn't charge anything but have a sign stating my service & saying tips are welcomed. Thing is, I don't know if I would be allowed to do it (if the stadium would have an issue).   It is still something to think about.

Anyways, we get in and wow the seats were good! First, my husband & I have never been to Coors Field. It is a really nice place. Second, the few times we have been to a baseball game, it was never this close. We were behind home plate, I'd say about 10-15 rows back. Could be a little more but we were that close! (baseball players have cute butts ;) ) You know how in every game they have someone through the first pitch? Well the person they had was one of the survivors from the Aurora shooting. His leg was in some kind of support/splint. I almost started crying. To have something like that happen "close to home" & become sad is one thing but to see one of the actual victims breaks your heart. It makes it "more real". The game was awesome, the Rockies won (Colorado's team), some people in the audience caught fly balls, they threw bags cracker jacks from the VIP section during 'Take me out to the ball game', had some fans play little games/quizzes for prizes & as usual the bottled water was $3.50 when they only have to pay like $.25 : / It was still really fun. 

When I was walking around downtown, I had pigeons at my feet, got a ton of photos, took some photos of things that were on my list to take & encountered a music man (it's what I call him). More about that in my 2nd half. Oh & I missed Darren Hayes in chat :( But hey, I enjoyed myself. :)

Second part

As I was walking towards the South Platte River, I encountered a guy walking around playing his harmonica. I loved it. He wasn't doing it for any real reason. He seemed content & like he really enjoyed giving people something to listen to as he passed by. I don't know how many enjoyed it or took time to "hear" it but I did. I like to think he does this often to bring something to people's lives. Giving us a gift of his music which he is pretty good at. Not asking for anything or wanting anything, just giving of himself. More people should do things like this while those that hear it, take time to listen & enjoy. Maybe it have people a little more relaxed even for a short time.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Misc. History: View Masters

This has taken me awhile to do. As a kid I remember having a view master & sitting in my room looking at the reels. I still have my reels. I know they still make them but it just doesn't seem the same back when I was a kid. Recently looking at my reels, I wondered where & when did it all start. I found the info & decided to share with everyone who remembers having a view master and/or has bought them for their kids. Here is what I found.

The view master goes back to the late 1930's in Portland, Oregon. Two guys named William Gruber & Harold Graves were the first to bring the view masters. Graves was president of Sawyers Photographic Services. He saw Gruber's camera rig had potential. They partnered up & the view master was born in 1938.

The view master was first intended to be as educational tool mostly aimed at adults. As time passed, it became more of children's entertainment. The view master was used in the US military & had special sets of reels to help them identify artillery & aircraft during WWII. 

The Sawyer company had a rival, Tru-Vue company. The Sawyers bought the Tru-Vue company in 1951 & obtained the rights to have Disney characters on their reels.

In 1966, the General Aniline & film corporation purchased the view masters. They had a good run but the view masters were seen as a toy & slowly the market started to shrink.

In 1981 the company was sold to Arnold Thaler & was renamed as the view master international group. Then in 1989 it was sold to Tyco toys. In 1997 Mattel, Tyco & view master merged. The view master name continues on & is now produced under the name Fisher Price.

There have been many different kinds of view masers including characters like Mickey Mouse, Big Bird, Casper, Batman, Tweety & Power Rangers. Below is a slide show with the different types of view masters that have been produced over the years. I DO NOT OWN THE PHOTOS except for 2 of them, the all white talking view master with it's reels & the photo of a few different reel stories. The photo of the reels are from my personal (sm) collection from when I was a kid.  I got my info from the web site: 

I found a site in searching for info on view masters, where you can turn your photos into a view master reel. They have different packages & one includes a view master to view your reels if you don't have a view master. I think this is the coolest thing. The prices seem to be pretty reasonable too. Here is the web site if you are interested:

Friday, August 3, 2012

Chick-Fil-A & Gay Marriage

Chick-Fil-A has been in the news a lot lately. It's actually starting to drive me a little crazy if I must say. The owners of the company have always had their beliefs so I don't understand why all of a sudden people are protesting against them since it has been known for a long time that they are against same sex marriage. I also don't understand why there is a need to protest against them. Sure they are against same sex marriage & put a lot of money into fighting it to happen but all we have to do is not eat there if we don't like what they stand for.

I think their food is ok but I wouldn't go out of my way for it especially since I know they have been putting money against same sex marriage. On the other hand, I think this whole situation has been blown out of pro-portion. I am all for fighting for same sex marriage. I also believe that EVERYONE has a right to express how they feel, to believe in what they want & to do what they want with the money they make. The people at Chick-Fil-A has every right to have their business & create a life for themselves as long as they are not breaking any laws. 

I keep seeing photos of people kissing in front of Chick-Fil-A restaurants. I don't know what good that will do to be honest. They are not going to change their minds. We should fight for equal rights for everyone & make sure the laws that are put out are human rights for everyone & not just the government making something illegal because of their beliefs in something. We however should not try to change other people's minds & beliefs just like they shouldn't try to change ours. We are free to think differently. If we start to try to change their minds, it can make us just as bad as them when they try to force everyone to belief what they believe in etc. We should just stick to trying to change the laws & not worry about the negative people unless they do something for us to take notice or come at us personally. 

I am trying not to sound preachy but I just don't want to see the fighting for equal rights get out of hand & become something it shouldn't be. We should also know where our money is going & if we don't like what a company stands for, then we don't have to give them our money but unless they are doing something illegal, they should be left alone to do their business. They have their rights like we have ours. We will never be able to end hate but we can end how we handle things when we are faced with it. So I guess I am on both sides of the fence. I won't give Chick-Fil-A my money knowing some of it will go towards the fight against same sex marriage but I support them in having their business & their free will to believe in what they believe & this whole kissing in front of their stores is getting a little to much I think. We need to put the focus back in changing the laws & not into companies who can't, won't & shouldn't change their minds.

A Fun Week In A Half

A lot happened this past week & a half. My dad came out to visit on the 23rd. I haven't seen him in about 5 or 6 yrs (due to money) so it was really nice to see him. In the next few days I will start up my writing again & finish the blog I started about the history of view masters so I can get it posted.

When my dad was here, we had had some fun days & down time. The first he arrived, my youngest son took us out to eat. The next day was my 40th birthday so we had a fun filled day. We went to Boulder, CO to do some things. We went to the Pearl street mall (their outdoor mall), went to Boulder falls which is just gorgeous, went to the Dushanbe tea house for lunch, saw the Mork & Mindy House (well the house that was used for the filming in the credits) then went to Boulder reservoir where we rented a paddle boat & took turns going onto the lake with it. It only seated 2 adults & 2 kids & there were 4 adults so we went back & forth. It was a lot of fun. I was kinda scared since I am scared of the water but we had life jackets on & it was beautiful & fun.

The next day since we had issues renting a car, my youngest son's girlfriend drove us to a couple of places one which was to a Mexican restaurant which my dad paid for since she took the time to drive us. The rest of the week we stayed home. We did walk to Subway for dinner one night & walked to a nearby park/trail. We couldn't go onto part of the trail though because apparently there were some coyote sightings & they had to close the closed in area.

Then Monday (the 30th) we finally was able to rent a car for a day so my dad & I went to the aquarium which was a lot of fun. They have some really huge fish. I came face to face with a shark but he was in the tank behind glass. Basically I was right up in front of the glass when he came around & past right by me. I fed a sting ray which was fun & felt really weird. 

Tuesday my husband dropped us off down-town so we could do down-town things but my husband's starter stopped working so after 2 hrs we had to go home. We still had fun walking to the south platte river & walking in it. The rocky sand hurt my feet because there were a lot of rocks but it was still fun. I wanted to really go in the river & maybe go down the little fall parts but I wasn't dressed for it. That night we went to Casa Bountia (? on the spelling). It is an amazing Mexican restaurant. If you've seen South Park, you will know what I am talking about. My dad loved it & we got some old fashion western photos taken since they have one of those "booths" there.

On Wen. we went to Seven Falls. Freakin' gorgeous! I fed a chipmunk even though we are not supposed to. They were all over the place. They are so cute. At Seven Falls, there are 2 different staircases, one that takes you to a landing where you can see the the big waterfall. You can also use the elevator but that day it was broken. :( The other staircase went up the waterfall & to different trails that you can walk. This staircase has over 200 steps! I didn't go up since I have asthma & terrified of heights. I thought the elevator would take me there but it didn't plus it was broken. My husband & dad went up the stairs thinking they could meet me. I ended up staying at the bottom for awhile. My husband & I will go back there where I can slowly make my way up the stairs & try not to freak over how high we will be. It still was very nice & I had a nice time.

Thur. we took my dad to the airport. :( I miss him already & miss the rest of my family. It was really fun & I got to do things that I've been wanting to do. I also tried things that normally I would have turned away from. I hate saying goodbye & it's always hard to say it. Even though I love living where I am, I hate being away from my family. 

South Platte River - wanted to ride down these "falls". The water felt so good.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

15 Years

15 years may seem a long time but it goes by so fast that it doesn't feel like a long time. It's weird how so many things can happen & change in a short time let alone a long time. I am bringing this up because next month I would be married for 15 years. Another thing that happened 15 years ago, Savage Garden hit the air waves with their hit songs including 'Truly Madly Deeply'.

With these two things & turning 40 next week, I have been thinking a lot about things. In 15 years I have gotten married,  my husband got custody of his kids, lost a baby at 3 weeks. I lost my grandma & Aunt in the same year & just a few months apart. Went from a crappy tiny apartment to owning a house & now loosing the house. Lost 4 businesses & filed for bankruptcy. Got my first dog (a yellow lab) and lost her 2 years ago. My husband & I have grown closer even through our ups & downs.

Then there is me personally. I went from being depressed & just floating through life to realizing that I was depressed, why & trying to fix it. Putting myself out there & made a few friends in other states. Making mistakes, feeling things I never felt before, discovering myself. Trying to accept myself & continuing to grow & push myself even at 40. 

I have interacted with my longest crush Donnie Wahlberg, have experienced a new adventure being a Darren Hayes fan. These 2 things have also helped me in discovering myself & trying to overcome things. Who would have thought 15 yrs ago that I or anybody for that matter could interact with people from around the world in real time including people you admire. 

These past 15 yrs have had a lot of ups & downs but I am still standing. Watching my step-sons grow & seeing my sister get married. So much has happened & sometimes blows my mind. I can't wait to see what life has to bring me in the next 15 yrs & beyond. 

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Misc History: The Hula Hoop

When I was a kid, I used to love the hula hoop. I would be able to do it on my neck, arm, waist & I think around my foot. Now I probably couldn't do it but oh the fun. I know they still make them but they are not as popular along with other older toys & that's a shame. I was curious to how the hula hoop became to be. It's pretty simple really but here is what I found.

In 1957, wood rings were being made & sold in retail stores in Australia. This caught the attention of a toy company called Wham-o ( I remember that brand).

In 1958, Richard P. Knerr & Arthur K. Melin from the Wham-o company out out plastic colored hoops & it has been in our lives ever since. Some people can do some amazing things with the hula hoop. Now they have ones that light up creating amazing lights when done in the dark.

So that is how the hula hoop came into our lives. But what about the past? I mean the idea had to come from somewhere. Here is that history.

It is known that 1000 B.C., kids in Egypt would play with circular hoops from grape vines & stiff grass. A stick was also used to move it along the ground. 

In the 14th century, it was called 'hooping'. Apparently some people got hurt with dislocated backs & heart attacks from hooping. The word 'hula' came into place for the toy in the 1800's when British sailors went to the Hawaiian islands & saw that hula dancing was like hooping. 

When Knerr & Melin created them for their company, they would take them to playgrounds, show them what to do & gave the kids a free hula hoop. It caught on & they made millions. 

I find it interesting how things are created & that something some simple catches on & people make millions from it. Now why can't I do that? lol I got my info from this site:

A skimmed another site that pretty much said the same thing, just not in so much detail. I am working on doing the history of view masters. There is a lot of info & I am in the middle of other things but hope I can get to it soon. :) Thanks for taking the time to read my blog.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

School Bus Monitor Bullied

I might be a little late but today I saw the video of the school bus monitor getting bullied by junior high students.  I am so disgusted by this video. Things like this is nothing new but we are just more aware of it due to cameras & the Internet. It's still disturbing to see this go on. 

Anybody who seems "weak" no matter the age, always become a target for something. I guess the one doing the damage needs to feel better about themselves or sees something about them in the victim that they don't like so they lash out to feel better.  I saw a comment saying how by the looks of Karen, she deserves to be picked on. Really? I can't understand this thought process. No matter how someone looks, they are human, have feelings & deserves to be treated with respect. I do admit that ALL of us say certain things or thinks certain things when we see people but it is kept to ourselves or to whoever we are talking to. It's just part of being human. That doesn't mean we need to take that step forward & become asses/inhuman.

I feel so bad for Karen & want to give her a big hug. I do have questions though. I heard her say that she doesn't like confrontation, how can she be a monitor if she can't deal with confrontation? I am not good with it either so I know what she means. Why didn't the bus driver pull over to help Karen out? Why didn't Karen get up to tell the bus driver to pull over to kick the kids off the bus? She didn't need to result in violence or anything to deal with the situation. Why didn't the school district make sure she knew how to handle situations before putting her on the bus as a monitor?  To me right there is stupidest thing & is on their part. I mean you can't hire someone to do a job like that without making sure they know how to handle the things they will need to handle. I would also like to know if the school district told Karen what she could & could not do to handle things. I'm thinking probably not because it seemed like she was unsure what to do without getting into trouble herself (from seeing an interview with her).

What if this happened to their (the kids) grandma, mom or someone else they love? They would be really pissed off. The kids need to be taught a hard lesson & not just with a slap on the wrist. The law needs to step in even if Karen doesn't want to press charges. If they just get a slap on the wrist, they will continue to bully other people. I know there are different reasons for kids (even other adults) to bully people but it's not an excuses. I know it will never end. At the same time I think it's about time things change when it comes to letting these bullies know that they can't have this kind of behavior & how wrong it is. In my fantasy world, they will be in a room with someone bulling them until they break down. Hell maybe that's why they do it themselves. In reality, things just need to change about we as humans treat each other & how we just let things happen without speaking up.  As parents we need to teach our kids to be respectful to each other, to respect themselves so they can behave better.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Meds & Such

This is a small rant about meds. I have been thinking of doing an actual blog about it & still might do a more proper one in the future. Until then, here is a small one.

There is one thing I am tired of & that is medicine costing way more than it should. Some need them for a little awhile & some need them to survive. Prices keep going up making it harder & harder for us to afford what we need to help us get through the day. It's stupid & it sucks. Who else is tired of money hungry people? I know I am. They remind me of Pac-Man, gobbling up all the money they can get.

Me, I need inhalers to survive. It's only 2 but still. One I am supposed to take everyday & that runs anywhere from $145-$200 depending on where you get it! How can one afford this? Some may have health insurance but sometimes even that doesn't help.

My other rant, scientist can cure certain illnesses, they do it all the time. Yet, some of the simple things that are out there are not cured. Why? Oh yeah, because the drug people make to much money off of us & would rather have that than actually helping cure certain things. If they really tried, I am sure they can cure the common cold, asthma & other things in the like. I mean they almost have slowed down the process and/or have almost cured aids, able to beat a lot of caners (if detected in time)so why not these other things? I know I don't exactly know how these things works but seriously, even if something wouldn't normally kill us, that doesn't mean it shouldn't have a cure.

Clinics. There needs to more low priced clinics around for people that can't afford the doctors. The people inside need to be nicer and oh yeah, when you have to jack up the cost for a check-up, shouldn't you make sure the client knows before hand? I go to my asthma doctor & find out they went from $45 to $75 in like a year! They didn't tell me this over the phone & I had to end up walking out because I don't have $75 to get in. I am need of these inhalers so I can breath.

I don't know what the right thing to do about health care & medicine but so far what the government has been doing isn't working. It really sucks & really needs a big change.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

What Love Means To a Child

Here is another thing that was emailed to me a long time ago. I find it interesting & wanted to share.

A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 yr olds. What does love mean? The answers they got were broader & deeper than anyone could have imagined.

1) When my grandma got arthritis, she couldn't bend over & paint her toenails anymore. So my grandpa does it for her now all the time, even his hands got arthritis too. That's love. Rebecca age 8

2)When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouths. Billy age 4

3) Love is when a girl puts on perfume & a boy puts on shaving cologne & they go out & smell each other. Kari age 5

4) Love is when you go out to eat & give somebody most of your french fries without making them give you any of theirs. Chrissy age 6

5) Love is what makes you smile when you're tired. Terri age 4

6) Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy & she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is ok. Danny age 7

7) Love is when you kiss all the time. then when you get tired of kissing, you still want to be together & you talk more. My mommy & my daddy are like that. They look gross when they kiss. Emily age 8

8) Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents & listen. Bobby age 7

9) If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate. Nikka age 6

10) Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday. Noelle age 7

11) Love is like a little old woman & a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well. Tommy age 6

12) During my piano recital, I was on stage & I was scared. I looked at all the people watching me & saw my daddy waving & smiling. He was the only one doing that. I wasn't scared anymore. Cindy age 8 

13) My mommy loves me more than anybody. You don't see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night. Clare age 6

14) Love is when mommy gives daddy the best piece of chicken. Elaine age 5

15) Love is when mommy sees daddy smelly & sweaty & still says he is handsomer than Robert Redford. Chris age 7

16) Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day. Mary Ann age 4

17) When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up & down & little stars come out of you. Karen age 7

18) Love is when mommy sees daddy on the toilet & doesn't think it's gross. Mark age 6

19) You really shouldn't say I LOVE YOU unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget. Jessica age 8

And the winner was a 4 yr old child whose next door neighbor was an elderly man who had just lost his wife. When the child saw the man cry, the little boy went over into the man's yard & climbed on top of the man's lap & just sat there. When the boy's mother asked him what he'd said to th neighbor, the little boy said, "Nothing, I just helped him cry."

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

My Mask

This blog is going to be a very personal. I got the idea to write about my mask, a mask that people wear, from a Darren Hayes' song & video 'Stupid Mistake' also from things he has said about it. I don't normally open myself up like this but maybe someone else will see this that is going through the same thing & won't feel so alone, so here it goes.

I've worn my mask all my life. Only showing myself to the few. Why have I put one one? I was picked on & bullied at school and where I lived. Even by a couple of teachers. I was made to feel stupid & slow by my peers & my school. Telling me I had a learning disability when all I needed was a little extra help. Spending everyday at recess alone, sitting up against the wall. Dodge ball was hell. I was left to fend for myself (learning wise)in the 7th grade by placing me back in 6th because the 7th grade class was to full(at the time my elementary went from K-7 and high school 8-12). I never got that 7th grade education. I was always cast aside even by my older cousins because they were teens & didn't want a little kid around. I so get it now & don't hold it against them but the damage was done since I didn't get it then. I was constantly made to feel there was something wrong with me.I never went to my prom & only the creepy guys showed interest in me. I almost had a boyfriend when I was 17 but he left because I barley spoke. I had my mask on, to scared, embarrassed, had to protect myself.

As I slowly remove the mask, I find myself making mistakes. Mistakes that sometimes shows something I'm really not without meaning to. Not knowing how to express myself, feeling relaxed enough to just be me, to just communicate. I try my best, feeling scared, always questioning myself. Wondering if what I'm saying is stupid, boring, to weird, drama, to much about me or just wrong. When trying to not question myself & just do, is when I sometimes make those bad mistakes, not realizing it until after. It being to late, just want to hide with embarrassment.

For some, being behind the mask makes them be someone they are not. For me it's different. It is more of a protection. I am never fake. Just revealing small pieces of me while hiding the rest. Finding it overwhelming to say the simplest things, mind goes blank only to sometimes come up with something way after the conversation is over. Sometimes I babble which can be just as bad. Being in a group of people, I am the one who sits behind the glass wall. Watching everyone else. With one person that I don't know well, I still have my mask on. My "protection" mask. What comes so natural and easy to most, is very difficult for me.

I try not to be so afraid to take it off even just a little. I try to just go with it. If I think to much about it, I will talk myself out of things. When I try not to do that, again that's when the big mistakes happen. When it's off, I feel naked & vulnerable. Seeing my reflection without it isn't good either (that is another "story"). Trying to peel it away until it's gone is one of the most hardest & scariest things ever. No one wants to feel alone, lost, just there, pushed aside or judged. Yet  we feel it behind our mask. Whenever I try to reveal myself even just a little, most of the time it doesn't work. My mask holds me back. Today for this blog, I have taken off my mask.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Gay Marriage & Racism Part 2

Now about the kids & parents. Our kids have such a hard time growing up, trying to figure themselves out, discover life, to be accepted. Why should we make it harder for them? It is our duty to explain & teach them about life even if we don't agree with some of it. It is our duty to love them unconditionally, no if ands or buts. If you throw in any of those, the love is not unconditional. I am a parent myself and have a bi son. I can't even imagine looking him in the eye & telling him that he is no longer my son, there is something wrong with him & whatever else parents say. As parents we don't have to agree with our kid's life style, what they do as a career, how they dress and so on. We should still love them, respect them and be there for them NO MATTER WHAT. They are apart of us after-all. Are some of us afraid to admit that our child is gay & born that way because it might mean there is "something wrong" with us or we did something wrong? 

Being gay is not something you can beat out, change with electroshock therapy, any other therapy, a camp or anything else. Even if you think one can change and not be gay anymore, doing these things to our kids is so inhumane, disgusting and well just freakin' horrible. I understand if some follow a religion, believe what they believe & if their kid thinks different how one might feel betrayed & afraid what others might think. To me it still doesn't make it right to treat kids so horrible. Kids should come before ANYTHING. We are adults, who the hell cares what others think? Family is more important. We were once kids too with the same feelings, remember what that was like?

Things have changed. We are no longer afraid to talk about differences in people. Kids, they have it harder. Not only do they get teased in school, it now goes viral. This makes it so much worse. This means they can never get away from the bullying. What we should be teaching our kids is acceptance of ourselves no matter the outcome. We need to let kids be who they are even if we don't like it. To many kids are killing themselves because of the torture they go through. Would you rather have your kid alive , finding their own way in life & still be apart of them or to loose them to suicide, drugs or running away? What is more important to you? We need to protect our kids better, stop letting others make our decisions for us & step up to what is humanly right.

To those that say gay people, same sex marriage etc hurts our kids, how does it? All kids need to see is two loving people who respect each other, how to be in a loving relationship, how to treat others & the one you are with, how a relationship works. Those are the things that are important. Two people of the same sex can have those things & teach their kids that. After-all they are human like anybody else with the same feelings, goals, frustrations as anybody else. My sister & I grew up with a gay parent & we came out ok. It taught us things instead of hurting us. Today so many straight couples are cheating, treating each other like crap, getting a divorce & so on. What is that teaching our kids?

I could go on and comment about everything little thing. Bottom line, everyone needs to stop trying to control others. If you don't like how someone is, fine but don't be rude about it, try to change them and try to stop them from having rights. Every single one of us are human and deserve the right to live a happy a life. If you are so disgusted about something, maybe you should look deep down and try to figure why it bothers you how someone else lives that doesn't effect you, REALLY look. We evolve as time goes on, laws need to change with it. It's about time everyone has the same rights. I saw a video today that can pretty much sum this up (posted below). Thanks for taking the time to read my blog. Take care everyone.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Gay Marriage & Racism Part 1

Before I get deep into this blog, I first want to point out that I think everyone has the right to believe what they want, to be in any religion and to feel what they want. It's what makes us human, makes us different & we have the freedom to do so.

              (NOTE: I have to do this in 2 parts)

Lately I have been more and more disgusted at what I have been hearing people say about people who are gay and that they want the right to marry.The fact that we have to even have this discussion is stupid. I mean, we sit here & talk about how everyone is created equal and yet we deny certain rights to people that we don't happen to like at the moment. Women had to fight to have rights, blacks had to fight for their rights and now people who are gay have to fight for their rights. To me it's all disgusting behavior (having certain people to fight for rights) that us humans have created for no real reason except to hate on others that are different, that we don't understand and that we may not agree with. 

Are we really that self centered to think what we believe is the correct way and that we are better than others because of it? What makes this world great is that there are all kinds of different people. We all look different, talk different, act different, have different religious beliefs or none at all, live different lives. If we were all the same or very similar, life would be way to boring. No one is better than the other, no religion is the right religion, we are all human no matter what.

Now lets talk about marriage. Without getting religion involved, marriage is a commitment between two people who love each other deeply & wants to share their lives with each other until they die. It's about respect, communication and understanding. They want to have a family (or sometimes not), to be connected & not alone. Every human on the planet wants these things. I took religion out of it because not everyone is religious but still gets married. It still means the exact thing. Way before Christ, people didn't get married, they just had sex to populate the earth. Marriage then came about. Kids as young as, well birth, got thrown into arranged marriages for different reasons. No real love there. Over time, it has changed to what we know now. There are still different marriages & I am not just talking about same sex marriages. The only people that can define marriage as a religious thing is those who are religious.As long as both parties agree & they are of the right age, all marriage is the same, commitment & love.

Who one marries does not effect anyone else one bit, so why are we trying to put restrictions on it? Because some think it's wrong, disgusting, a sin, it's about a man & a woman only, it's unhealthy, they spread diseases, they have sex with everybody yada yada yada. Oh let me guess, if we allow people of the same sex to get married, they will want to then marry animals, computers and anything else. Seriously?? Is this the best you can come up with? 

When did we get the right to tell others how to live & who to love? What makes us so special to dictate others? What makes us better than others to where we have to degrade those who are "less" than us? Are we really that unhappy with ourselves (and afraid to admit it) that we feel the need to be in other people's business? What bout our children? What message are we sending them with all this hate & bigotry? And please don't say it isn't hate, bigotry etc because it is. Look it up.

(continue in part 2.......coming soon)

Monday, April 9, 2012


Parents, we need them when we are babies. We need them as we grow up but less n' less as we get older. As teens, we usually don't want to be around them unless we really need or want something. Thinking they will be around forever but know they won't. As adults, we venture out on our own, creating our own families, our own journeys. Saying goodbye, see you later. Feeling good about our personal discoveries, like being away but missing them. Thinking we have time to reconnect, to talk to them at any time. Maybe even taking some things for granted without realizing or meaning too. Still thinking they will always be around, still knowing they won't.

Time has come and gone. Then one day you look at your parents and wonder when did they change. When did they become older, realizing how much time has passed. You become older, seeing them in you. Missing them more as the days go by. Time goes on. Your parents get even older. Things about life starts to creep into your brain like a scary spider. You start to realize time is precious. You notice as you are not so young anymore, either are your parents. You start to need them again as they start to you need you. Of course you always needed each other but no one really stops to think about it. 

Then you start to realize that one day they will REALLY need you but you can't be there. Things start to happen & realize, time is running short. Wondering who will be there when something happens, knowing you can't be there fast or maybe can't be there at all (because of money & distance). You start screaming to yourself "NOOOOOO! I need my mommy & daddy". Wanting to run back home but knowing you can't for you have your life to finish. You want to hold them & never let go. You want to be a kid again so you can keep them close. You want them to be there forever, put them in a everlasting protection bubble. To not say goodbye.

Sorry for the tear jerk-er blog. It is something that happens with everyone & I am sure goes through everyone's mind sometimes. Me, I needed to get it out when it "hit me like a subway train" (I had to use a quote from a Darren Hayes song because it describes it).   

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Where I Want To Go

I would love to be able to travel the US and the world. Seeing as much as I can and doing as much as I can. I see so many beautiful places in photos and tv that I want to see them in person. There are also places that seem to be interesting. I can't possibly list every single place that I want to go to especially when I keep finding new places. I know I won't be able to literally see & do everything but I want to try and at least do a lot of them. Here are just some of the places I want to see, do and visit.

Out of the US

Canada - the Niagara falls. Well this can be from also the US side. Either way, I want to go there so bad
UK - Every time I see photos, I want to go. It looks beautiful with the old buildings. I love old buildings. I don't know much about the best sites to see etc but I do know I want to see some of the tourist spots.
Africa- I want to do a real African safari.
Ireland - Again this place looks amazing in photos with their old buildings & castles. Plus I have some Irish in me so it would be cool to see that part of my heritage. 
Europe - Rome, Italy etc. It would be cool I think. :-)

In the US

Hawaii - I don't know exactly which islands but OMG do I want to go
Florida - During the non- hurricane months I want to go especially to the beaches
New York - The air there for me is kinda thick & hard to breath especially at first but I want to go there & have the chance to really explore. See central park, the empire state building, statue of liberty etc.
Washington DC - I want to go here and see all the sites

Places In General To Do/See

I already stated above some of the things I wanted see but here are more.

Swim with dolphins - Don't know where I can do this but I want to do it. I can't swim either but to be able to be next to one & play with them would be so freakin' awesome.
Yosemite - I want to go here so bad. I know this place is huge & will have to take several trips there but it's very high on my list.
Disney World & Universal Orlando - This would be part of my Florida trip. I've been to the ones in LA but now I want to experience these two
Colorado things - There are so many things I want to do/see here that it's not even funny. Like go to Pike's peak, 7 falls, Aspen, Estes Park, Royal Gorge, train rides that go through mountains etc and even try a helicopter ride. These are just some.
California things - It's funny, I was born & grew up there & still haven't seen everything I want to see. San Diego, more of LA, Golden Gate park, the shops by the piers in SF, so many other things that I haven't seen & some I already have.
The 4 corners - I am sure there isn't much to do there but just to be able to stand in 4 states at ounce would be cool (I am easily amused).

I am a paranormal freak. I think it's very interesting. I am also smart about the whole thing. There are so many different places that are supposed to be haunted that I would absolutely love to visit. When I do visit, I want to have a digital recorder and my camera and hope I can capture my own stuff.

Stanley Hotel - Oh how I would love to go here. This one  is right in my backyard too (so to speak, like an 1 hr or so away). I just don't have the money to go there and spend the night. One of these days, one of these days!
Waverly Hills Sanatorium - I think it's in Kentucky. This place sounds so interesting. Any time I have seen paranormal investigators go there, they always capture a lot of cool things. I know it's different because it could be fake & they do it at night but I still want to go myself. Don't know if I could go at night especially down the body chute but who knows, I may give it a shot.
Lindsey Borden house - I don't know if this place is haunted or not, I have seen mixed things. I still would like to go there. Am I sick for wanted to spend the night where a famous murder happened?
The Bird Cadge - I forgot where this is located but it also looks like an interesting place to go

There are so many other paranormal places I want to check out. I know I will go picture crazy when I go to all these places. Oh yeah, checking out different amusement parks would be cool too. Do you have any place that you would love to go or something you would love to go check out?

Friday, March 23, 2012

A Saying From A High School-er

A long time ago this was sent to me through an email. It is written by someone who was in high school at the time. It is so true and pretty impressive so thought I would share.

A Columbine student who experienced one of the many High school massacres wrote it:

"We must ask ourselves which side of the paradox have we been lending to perpetuate? The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings, but shorter tempers; wider freeways,but narrower viewpoints; we spend more, but have less; we buy more,but enjoy it less. We have bigger houses and smaller families; more conveniences, but less time; we have more  degrees, but less sense; more knowledge but less judgment;more experts, but more problems; more  medicine, but less wellness.

We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love to seldom, and hate too often. We've learned how to make a living, but not a life; we've added years to life, not life to years. We've been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet the new neighbor.

We've conquered outer space,but not inner space;we've cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul; we've split the atom, but not our prejudice. We have higher incomes, but lower morals; we've become long on quantity, but short on quality. These are the times of tall men, and short character; steep profits, and shallow relationships. These are the times of world peace, but domestic warfare; more leisure, but less fun; more kinds of food, but less nutrition.

There are days of two incomes, but more divorce; of fancier houses, but broken homes.It is a time when there is much in the snow window and nothing in the stockroom; a time when technology can bring this letter to you, and a time when you can choose either to make a difference… or just hit delete."


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Stuff that annoys me

A long time ago I received this in an email. Some of it is so true.

People who point at their wrist while asking for the time. I know where my watch is buddy, where the hell is yours? Do I point to my crotch when I ask where the bathroom is?

People who are willing to get off their ass to search the entire room for the tv remote because they refuse to walk to the tv and change the channel manually.   ME - although this can be true, sometimes you actually need the remote to change the channel if you have a cable box or a satellite box.

When people say "Oh you just want to have your cake and eat it too." Screw off. What good is a goddamn cake if you can't eat it? What, should I eat someone's cake instead?

When people say "It's always in the last place you look." Of course it is. Why the hell would you keep looking after you've found it? Do people do this? Who and where are they?

When people say, while watching a movie "Did you see that?" No dickhorse. I paid $9 to come to the theater and stare at the frigging ceiling up there. What did you come here for?

When something is "new and improved", which is it? If it's new, then there has never been anything before it. If it's an improvement, then there must have been something before it.

When a cop pulls you over and then asks if you know how fast you were going? You should know asshole, you frigging pulled me over.

When people say "Life is short". What the hell?? Life is the longest damn thing anyone ever does!! What? Are they going to do something that's longer?

When people ask "Can I BORROW a piece of paper?" Sure, but please don't return the favor! It's one God damn piece of paper!

When you are waiting for the bus and someone ask you "Did the bus come yet?" If the bus came I would not be standing here asshole!

People who ask "Can I ask you a question?" Didn't really give me a choice there, did ya buddy?

This person has some anger issues but it's still entertaining. 

Sunday, February 26, 2012

So You Think You Know Everything

A long time ago I read this and kept it. I think it was sent to me in an email. I find it interesting and just thought I would post it here. I don't know how accurate  these things are or where the info came from but it's still pretty cool.

“Stewardesses” is the longest word typed with only the left hand and lollipop with your right.  

Maine is the only state whose name is  just one syllable. 

No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver and purple.

“Dreamt” is the only English word that ends in the letters MT.

Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing.

The sentence: “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” uses every letter of the alphabet.

The words ‘racecar,’ ‘kayak’ and ‘level’ are the same whether they are read left to right or right to left (palindromes).

There are only four words in the English language which end in “dous” - stupendous,
and hazardous, tremendous and horrendous.

There are two words in the English language that have five vowels in order – abstemious and facetious.

Typewriter is the longest word that can be made using the letters only on one row of 
the keyboard.

All 50 states are listed across the top of the Lincoln Memorial on the back of the $5 bill.

A dime has 118 ridges around the edge.

A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.

A goldfish has a memory span of 3 sec.

A “jiffy” is an actual unit of time 1/100th of a second.

A shark is the only fish that can blink with both eyes.

A snail can sleep for three years.

Al Capone’s business card said was a used furniture dealer.

Almonds are the member of the peach family.

An ostrich’s eye is bigger than it’s brain.

Babies are born without  kneecaps. They don’t appear until the child reaches 2 to 6 years of age.

February 1865 is the only month in recorded history not to have a full moon.

In the last 4,000 years, no new animals have been domesticated.

If the population of China walked in a line, the line would never end because of the rate of reproduction.

If you are an average American, in your whole life, you spend an average of 6 months waiting at red lights.

Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors.

On a Canadian two-dollar bill, the flag flying over the parliament building is an American flag. 

Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite.

Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated.

The average person’s left hand does 56% of the typing.

The cruise liner, QE2, moves only six inches for each gallon of diesel that it burns. 

The microwave was invented after a researcher walked by a radar tube and a chocolate bar melted in his pocket.

The winter of 1932 was so cold that Niagara falls froze completely solid.

There are more chickens than people in the world.

Winston Churchill was born in a ladies room during a dance.