Friday, August 3, 2012

Chick-Fil-A & Gay Marriage

Chick-Fil-A has been in the news a lot lately. It's actually starting to drive me a little crazy if I must say. The owners of the company have always had their beliefs so I don't understand why all of a sudden people are protesting against them since it has been known for a long time that they are against same sex marriage. I also don't understand why there is a need to protest against them. Sure they are against same sex marriage & put a lot of money into fighting it to happen but all we have to do is not eat there if we don't like what they stand for.

I think their food is ok but I wouldn't go out of my way for it especially since I know they have been putting money against same sex marriage. On the other hand, I think this whole situation has been blown out of pro-portion. I am all for fighting for same sex marriage. I also believe that EVERYONE has a right to express how they feel, to believe in what they want & to do what they want with the money they make. The people at Chick-Fil-A has every right to have their business & create a life for themselves as long as they are not breaking any laws. 

I keep seeing photos of people kissing in front of Chick-Fil-A restaurants. I don't know what good that will do to be honest. They are not going to change their minds. We should fight for equal rights for everyone & make sure the laws that are put out are human rights for everyone & not just the government making something illegal because of their beliefs in something. We however should not try to change other people's minds & beliefs just like they shouldn't try to change ours. We are free to think differently. If we start to try to change their minds, it can make us just as bad as them when they try to force everyone to belief what they believe in etc. We should just stick to trying to change the laws & not worry about the negative people unless they do something for us to take notice or come at us personally. 

I am trying not to sound preachy but I just don't want to see the fighting for equal rights get out of hand & become something it shouldn't be. We should also know where our money is going & if we don't like what a company stands for, then we don't have to give them our money but unless they are doing something illegal, they should be left alone to do their business. They have their rights like we have ours. We will never be able to end hate but we can end how we handle things when we are faced with it. So I guess I am on both sides of the fence. I won't give Chick-Fil-A my money knowing some of it will go towards the fight against same sex marriage but I support them in having their business & their free will to believe in what they believe & this whole kissing in front of their stores is getting a little to much I think. We need to put the focus back in changing the laws & not into companies who can't, won't & shouldn't change their minds.

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