Merry Christmas, Happy holidays, what is the right one to say? Growing up (in the 70's & 80's), I never had to worry about this. Now it's all I hear. People fighting over how to wish someone a good holiday. Some are saying "keep Christ in Christmas" (something like that), "but we don't celebrate Christmas so why should it be forced on us?"........ Can someone tell me why are even fighting about this? Does it really matter? Are we going to be harmed if "the wrong thing" is said to us? Why do we have to take everything so personal? Why can't we just accept what is being said to us no matter how it's said & just realize that someone is being nice by wishing us something good?
Christmas means something different to everyone. Not everyone that celebrates Christmas is Catholic/Christian. My family for one. We are not in any region but we still celebrate Christmas. To some Christmas is about celebrating Jesus. To others it's just about celebrating life, about giving to others, about family & friends. I personally think Christmas doesn't have to be just a religious holiday, it's about love, family & friends. Christmas is what one makes it out to be. It's nothing bad against Jesus if we don't bring him into it. Isn't more important to just love & respect one another?
Not everyone celebrates Christmas. Some celebrate other holidays this time of year. Hell some even don't celebrate a holiday. All are ok. Having all these different ways people celebrate the holidays is cool & very interesting. We should embrace it. What happened to letting everyone celebrate the way they want & embracing those differences?
Even though Christmas is the most celebrated, we shouldn't ignore the others. If lets say a county building wants to put a nativity scene in front of it, they should be able to do that without worrying about complaints. Although, if they are going to do that, I also think they should take the time to put out other things that resemble the other holidays that are celebrated.
I just don't understand why some think Christmas is being "forced" on them. No one is forcing anyone to do anything or to embrace a certain holiday. I think this madness needs to stop & get back to what the holidays REALLY mean (stated above). I am now afraid to say anything in fear of someone getting pissed with me because I didn't say it the way THEY think it should be said. How about it if someone says "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays", we just take it as someone being nice & accept it for what it is? To not worry about being politically correct? Let's stop fighting over which way is the right way to wish someone peace & love. Let's stop arguing over words & such. Let's just smile & say "same to you" no matter what someone says. Know that either way is out of good from the heart. No matter if it's Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas, it all means the same thing. Let's get back to peace & love, forget about the petty things.
Merry Christmas/Happy holidays to everyone!
I'm biased by my personal experience, but I've never seen anyone get nasty about being told 'Merry Christmas', but I have seen people snap in very nasty voices 'it's merry Christmas not happy holidays'; I think people that do that are putting out a bad image of Christian teaching.
ReplyDeleteI have head people complain about both. Not directly to me but I still hear it and see it. I agree with what you said at the end of your comment and I want to add how I think it just puts a bad image on the holiday season when some go out of their way to argue about how to say it and if they see stuff like a nativity scene somewhere. x