Friday, December 21, 2012

Against Gay Marriage Companies

These days you hear a lot about companies & organizations being against same sex marriage. Then comes along whether to donate to that organization or to support that company by spending your money at a certain place. Some may chastise you for not supporting these places or for supporting these places. There is the question of what is really the right thing to do. Should one boycott a company/organization for their right to believe what they feel is right or should one just brush it off? 

Everyone has their own thoughts & feelings about this subject. It just amazing that we can sit here & focus on something like if should support or not support these places instead on focusing on more important things in life. Everyone wants to play their part in life, to help or even to not care. Hey, it's not a bad thing; after all we are all human & all of this is human instinct. Survival of the fittest if you will.

Here is my take on it. We all have a choice. We can choose to support or not to support. What we shouldn't do is judge someone who is making their choice for their own personal reasons. I personally wouldn't work for a company knowing that they have strong religious beliefs that might effect me. Would I give money to that company knowing they give money to fight against same sex marriage? Most likely not but then again it depends on the company. 

Take for instance Chick-fill-A. I don't think their food is that great, I don't have to go there for something only they sell so I don't bother. I heard Hobby Lobby craft store is run by highly religious people. I wouldn't work there but since they are the closest craft store to me & I do a lot of crafts, I have to shop there. 

The Salvation Army is another company that people have been back & forth on. Some still give their money to them & some refuse to do so all the while we sit back & argue how right or wrong whatever choice we make. I myself have battled with this one. Just yesterday I made the choice to give my loose change to the red bucket. For me it has come down to this: They help ANYBODY who is homeless & just in need of help. Why should the people that need help suffer just because the organization has different beliefs than me? Now if they were to help only those who are straight & was just vicious about everything, then yes I could see not giving them any money. As far as I know, they do nothing of the sort so why not help out people who are in need? By giving them money, I feel like I am going against those I care about that are gay. If I don't give them money, I feel bad that I am refusing to give help to those that really need it. I am still battling this one myself.

What it comes down to; every person, every company/organization has their own right & beliefs. We shouldn't put anybody down or make them feel less just because we do not agree with how they feel. Trying to boycott them is to much. These places have a right just like anybody else. They need to put food on the table too. We can simply choose not to support them, doesn't mean we have to fight with others & them just because we disagree. We should focus our energy on things that we can really change. As for something like the Salvation Army, again it's up to anyone to give them money. If they are not actively discriminating anyone (psychically harming or refusing help etc), we should continue to help those who have less than us. 

Instead lets get schools to stop treating our kids like freaks & make sure they do their job to protect kids; teach our kids that there are different people in the world & even if we may not agree with how they live, they still have rights & are humans who should be treated with respect. Focus on organizations that actually do harm to others. Focus on more important issues.

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