Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Gay Marriage & Racism Part 1

Before I get deep into this blog, I first want to point out that I think everyone has the right to believe what they want, to be in any religion and to feel what they want. It's what makes us human, makes us different & we have the freedom to do so.

              (NOTE: I have to do this in 2 parts)

Lately I have been more and more disgusted at what I have been hearing people say about people who are gay and that they want the right to marry.The fact that we have to even have this discussion is stupid. I mean, we sit here & talk about how everyone is created equal and yet we deny certain rights to people that we don't happen to like at the moment. Women had to fight to have rights, blacks had to fight for their rights and now people who are gay have to fight for their rights. To me it's all disgusting behavior (having certain people to fight for rights) that us humans have created for no real reason except to hate on others that are different, that we don't understand and that we may not agree with. 

Are we really that self centered to think what we believe is the correct way and that we are better than others because of it? What makes this world great is that there are all kinds of different people. We all look different, talk different, act different, have different religious beliefs or none at all, live different lives. If we were all the same or very similar, life would be way to boring. No one is better than the other, no religion is the right religion, we are all human no matter what.

Now lets talk about marriage. Without getting religion involved, marriage is a commitment between two people who love each other deeply & wants to share their lives with each other until they die. It's about respect, communication and understanding. They want to have a family (or sometimes not), to be connected & not alone. Every human on the planet wants these things. I took religion out of it because not everyone is religious but still gets married. It still means the exact thing. Way before Christ, people didn't get married, they just had sex to populate the earth. Marriage then came about. Kids as young as, well birth, got thrown into arranged marriages for different reasons. No real love there. Over time, it has changed to what we know now. There are still different marriages & I am not just talking about same sex marriages. The only people that can define marriage as a religious thing is those who are religious.As long as both parties agree & they are of the right age, all marriage is the same, commitment & love.

Who one marries does not effect anyone else one bit, so why are we trying to put restrictions on it? Because some think it's wrong, disgusting, a sin, it's about a man & a woman only, it's unhealthy, they spread diseases, they have sex with everybody yada yada yada. Oh let me guess, if we allow people of the same sex to get married, they will want to then marry animals, computers and anything else. Seriously?? Is this the best you can come up with? 

When did we get the right to tell others how to live & who to love? What makes us so special to dictate others? What makes us better than others to where we have to degrade those who are "less" than us? Are we really that unhappy with ourselves (and afraid to admit it) that we feel the need to be in other people's business? What bout our children? What message are we sending them with all this hate & bigotry? And please don't say it isn't hate, bigotry etc because it is. Look it up.

(continue in part 2.......coming soon)

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