Friday, June 30, 2017

Why Do We Come Out?

I was sitting here in my room, watching old youtube clips of Ellen DeGeneres coming out and/or speaking about it. I then asked myself, why do we have to come out? Why not just be who we are. Why can't we just love who we love and/or be who we are and not have to worry about coming out? Why do others wonder and feel they have to know who we love or the kind of lifestyle we live or what has happened to us?

Why do other people get surprised when we mention the kind of person we are? Why are they surprised about some of the things we have been through? Why do we feel the need to even mention it? Why can't we just talk about who we are like we talk about other things without someone batting an eye lash? Why can't we just be open about things without having to come out? Hell, why do some people judge even if they don't agree? One doesn't have to agree with something and still not judge.

Why can't we just be who we are without fear? It's very sad and depressing that we have to hide from ourselves and one another. It's sad that we have to "come out" as being who we are because everything is such a secret and looked down on. Every single one of us has "something" that we are "hiding". Whether being gay, bi, poly, pan, a sexual, our fetishes, being into bdsm, being abused, was raped, being bullied, have depression etc. 

Even though being abused, was raped and so on isn't a lifestyle, it's still something that we "come out" about because there is still that fear of being judged. They are shameful secrets. Coming out can mean about anything.

So again I ask, why do we come out instead of just being who we are and have it be "normal"?

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