Saturday, April 6, 2013


Wow, three blogs in one day. Well two and a half to be exact. One of the things I like to do in my spare time is writing (hence my blog page, poems and stories). Lately, I am lacking in poems. It sucks. I have all these different topics I want to write poems about but no material comes from it. I miss writing poems. 

 I did recently finish a couple of stories but I wrote them for a certain someone so I won't be posting those. Sorry. I might in the future but for the time being, they stay private. I have been slowly working on a paranormal story. It's going to be the longest story I've written so far. It started with a nightmare. When I woke up, I knew I had to make a story from it so I jot it down before I forgot it. Now I am creating a story around that dream with the story ending with the nightmare I had. There should only be about eight chapters. I am working on chapter two and have notes on all chapters. I have never done anything that is extreme and this is going to take a lot out of me but I can't wait to finish it. I also started another kids story. I wrote notes/rough draft and now just need to put it together. My paranormal story will have two or three parts.

I am still trying to find a job. Can I please go back to when getting a job was easier? Wait, if that happens then I will be a teen again and I don't want that. I just want it to be easier to get a freakin' job. I have no idea what the rest of this year will bring my family and I, well nobody really does. I just really hope our financials are able to get better and without moving. No matter how frustrated I get about things, I feel lucky to have the kind of husband that I have, a warm place to live, clothes, food and all that mushy stuff.  In the end, that's all that matters. 

I have recently signed up at this one web site called and started selling my photos (well trying at least). Problem is, there is so many people trying their stuff, I am just a grain of sand on a beach. Since I can only do the free account, I can only sell 25 photos at a time but put up on the site as many as I want. It's only $30 for a year and I would be able to sell an unlimited amount and be able to do a few other things but right now I need that $30 to eat. It would be nice to one day join and to have my photos start selling. We'll see what happens. 

I guess that is all the rambles I have going on inside my little brain. Take care. :)

New Kids On The Block/Boy Bands and the negativity about them

I will not be writing this from a fan's point of view but from a view of seeing the music world. Boy bands (I actually hate this term but it sounds better than boy group) have been around for centuries but in different forms. There was The Beatles (which was actually a band), The Osmands, Jackson 5, Beach Boys and so on. Those were the bands from my parents generation. In my generation there was New Kids On The Block. The following generations were Backstreet Boys, 98 Degrees, N'sync, Hanson and so on. For every generation, there is and always will be a boy band (now I sound like the opening of 'Buffy The Vampire Slayer'; Can you say nerd much?). The only difference between all these groups is the type of music. As each generation changes, so did the music, how these groups perform, look etc.

Back in the late 80's early 90's, all I heard was bad talk about NKOTB (mostly from guys). I wonder, was it like this with the boy bands from the past or is it a thing now? Why throw out negative comments about boy bands? I just don't get it. NKOTB have come back, well actually they have been back for awhile but they just put out another album called '10'. Sometimes I still hear talk like, "they are still around? More like old men on block. Ewwww new kids" and so on. I also hear the same things I heard back in the day about how they don't play their own instruments, they don't write their own songs, they can't dance, they lip sync, they can't sing. I never understood the comments and I still don't. 

Not every singer writes their own songs (now NKOTB do write songs), not everyone has to play an instrument (although the term "band" does indicate instruments which is why I hate the term boy band but there isn't any other name that sounds good), they don't lip sync, so they are not the best dancers but most singers are average dancers unless the dancing is just as big of the performance as the singing and I will admit, they are not the best singers (I cringe saying it since I am a huge fan) but they are still pretty good and a hell of a lot better than a lot of artist out there.

When I hear comments or see that they are too old to be singing, to old to be dancing around and to be called New kids, I don't get it. What about The Beach Boys? They are grown men, still preform and yet they have the word 'Boys' in their name? There are so many singers out there that are well in their 50's and still make music. Everyone has their own taste in music. Music makes people feel a certain way and certain music doesn't apply to everyone. Doesn't make them bad singers. I just don't understand why so many people hate on boy bands or even on people like Justin Bieber. How many boy bands can go their separate ways, come back 20 years later and still hit it pretty hard? Not many and yet NKOTB has done it. 

I guess I will never know why boy bands from my generation and today get so much negative attention. I do know it gets pretty old. If boy bands (or any singer for that matter) can make people happy and make money, what is the harm? Why does so much negativity have to be thrown around? Why is it the older generation boy bands don't get so much negativity like ours do? What is music to one persons ears, is crap to another which is fine. Not everyone is going to like their music. 

Why I like NKOTB? I like the way it makes me feel. I like different types of music. They make me feel different things. NKOTB is my fun, let loose, feeling free, escaping from the stress of everyday life. Watching them on stage, well I'm a straight female who doesn't mind watching five guys on stage (just like men watching girls). I know this won't stop the feud but I needed to express it and just question it. I mean shouldn't we be discussing and worrying about more important things than "Oh my God they're still around"?

Sex And Our Schools

Today I saw something on my FB timeline from one of the news channels in my area about if we think there should be an opt-in or opt-out option for sex education classes.  I read the different comments from people and there is mixed feelings. This is one of the sensitive topics that I hear about. I've read/heard all concerns and feelings. Some make some good points but I feel there is only one answer, keep sex education in the class rooms and don't give the option to take the class or not.

I agree 100%  that parents should be the one to teach their kids about sex. Problem is, not all parents do this for whatever reason. When this happens, kids/teens turn to other things/people to get their info. This is very dangerous. Since not all parents talk to their kids about sex, I think it should be taught in schools. I have also been hearing stories about some of the topics that are discussed in these class rooms and if condoms should be in middle and high schools.

Some of the things that the sex educators talk about, shouldn't be discussed or how they say things or even put in their own thoughts about something. They need to stick to the basic; how pregnancy happens, disease, the feelings and changes teenagers go through and that it's ok to have them, rape, what it takes to to take care of a baby (and details like with money and how much diapers a baby goes through etc etc) and a second part of the class a parenting class; first aid, how to change a diaper etc etc. The teacher should also know how to teach things that will make everyone feel comfortable about it especially if the kids have questions. 

As for condoms being in the schools, yes they need to be. It won't make kids want to have sex and it's not giving them the ok to do it. It simply says "If you're going to have sex, protect yourself and wear a condom." Teens will always find a way to have sex if they really wanted to no matter what we say. It is our job to teach them the dangers of it and hope they listen. If condoms were more available to them and to where they could get them without feeling embarrassed or fear of their parents finding out, I think more kids/teens would wear them. Not all but more.

Sex is a part of life. More kids are not having sex than back in the old days, we are just more aware that it goes on because it's talked about more. We need to stop being so scared to tell our kids about sex, the difference between boys and girls, the changes they go through, the different types of sex and so on. They are not going to die or be harmed in any way. The more they know, the better of a chance they have of protecting themselves. Let them know it's nothing to be ashamed of. To respect themselves and the people they choose to be with. I would rather have my kids learn from me and a class then from their friends and possibly get the wrong info, get pregnant and/or a STD.