Saturday, September 29, 2012

Saying Goodbye To Part Of A Life

I was going to stay off the blogs until I moved but something came to mind which means I must write about it. :P

Saying goodbye to a place of 10 yrs. 10 yrs of memories. Of the good & the bad. It went by pretty fast. So fast it's scary. It's funny how one can be so ready to leave & yet sad. 10 yrs is a lot of stuff. A lot of feelings. Exploring the neighborhood, getting our first family dog, loosing our first family dog, getting another cat & loosing him who happens to be buried in the backyard. I don't want to leave him but he is probably ashes. Still......

Watching my kids grow up, having my mom out here for the first time, loosing a baby, our financials going up & down and loosing 4 different business all for different reasons. Having both my 10 yr anniversary & my 15th. So many things happened. We never think about these, we just continue to do what we do.

Taking a few mins to take a look back at everything can be mind blowing. It then hits you just how time really does fly. How lives change, how everything changes all in a short amount of time. 10 yrs is not so short of a time but the fact that it goes by so fast, it really is short. It lets you know just how precious life & time really is. This is the first house my husband & I bought together. It's funny how something like a house can mean so much.

So long house. I will cherish the memories. Here is to a new journey. Another 10 + yrs. To building more & different memories.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Going to be a bit

It's going to be a little bit before I can get back on here with more blogging. I am in the middle of moving & don't know when I will have things set back up & a little time. Hope to be back on here soon. Take care everyone. :-)

Friday, September 21, 2012

A new chapter

This past month I have been kinda quiet. Things are changing & it's hard to find time & calmness to get my thoughts out. This month we were finally told that we have to leave the house. We have/had a month. We thought we would be able to live where our bankruptcy lawyer used to live but there was miscommunication & it got rented out to someone else. Then we tried a mobile community that we have been looking at for awhile. They didn't accept us because of the bankruptcy. So we have been stuck.

A lot of places won't take us because we just filed & it just closed. We have tried to see if there is a list that we can get for people who have recently went through a bankruptcy & who need a place to live. All we find are people/companies that want money for the list. We keep getting told our situation won't be a problem but then it is. We are very honest & upfront with people when looking for a place. It is very frustrating especially since we have to be out in a couple of weeks. We are running out of time.

We do have enough money to move, have enough to pay a monthly rent. We were just dealt a bad hand that caused us to go into the bankruptcy. We are so ready for the next chapter in our lives. Once we do get settled, my husband will try to get a second job. I will try to find a job. I may even look into getting a street legal scooter to help me get around. It's cheaper than a car & I don't have to have a license if it's under 50 mph. I just have to learn how to drive & pray nothing happens to me when I am driving it. Frankly I am scared of driving because of the bad drivers out there (that is another story). 

We may have help from one of my cousins but I don't know how much he will be able to help because of our credit. My God we just need a place that isn't crappy or in a crappy neighbourhood. UGH! There has to be something out there for people like us but where? It's hard to find them when the internet is saturated with scammers. I will just be glad to finally get a place & start new. A new chapter. A new journey.