Sunday, December 26, 2010

End of 2010/ Start of a new year

Well it's that time of year again. It's hard to believe that this year is almost over. Is it me or does it seem like every year goes by faster and faster? This year for me has been better than the last few years. The beginning was a little tough though. 

The first part of the year I wasn't seeing my husband much as he was spending his time in a town that was a little over 2 hrs away. He did decided to take the long as drive to from every day but it was still hard on him, the car and us. We soon (out of peer luck) had bought a used book store even though we didn't have any real money. This book store was owned by someone else, he didn't want his own business any more & sold it to this other guy. The guy had to many stores & went bankrupt, the first guy got it back. That is when we found it and took over. 

It feels really good to own our own business again. My husband left his prison job so he could be closer to home and be here at the store. His father hasn't been in good health either which is another reason he wanted to be closer to home. So this year we have been working hard trying to keep the store going.We have been doing ok but got a little behind when things came up. We didn't have a  good Dec and so we are unsure what is to become of the store.

Along the  way (of this year) we have had some turn of events. Our oldest somewhat moved out trying to discover adulthood, in July 2 days before my birthday, we lost our dog Sammie due to old age (she was 13) and last month we lost our little guy (kitty) Snowball.  It seems like shortly after Jr left and Sammie died, Snowball started to get sick. We thought for the longest time that it was depression from loosing his buddies. Come to find out he had some kind of cancer that made him really sick. When Sammie died, we knew she wasn't going to last past the summer. We think she may have had a small stroke that took out her left side. She could no longer eat, use the bathroom or even walk without use holding her up. We had to put her down. It was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.

This year we did finally get to see Jeff Dunham live. It was the coolest thing. We were 13 rows back from the stage and off to the side. We saw him at the same place I first saw NKOTB when they came back two years ago so that also brought back some memories. I have also gotten to know some interesting & cool people including Darren Hayes. I have been working even more on myself. It has been a struggle but I'm still going.

As for the world, well we are still fighting for the rights of people who are gay, battling with and about religion, fighting to survive. Can't really talk about music because I don't listen to the radio so I don't know a hole lot about what is what.

For 20011 both personal and around the world I will like to see: ALL people having rights, people being able to find jobs, stop focusing on stupid little things, stop fighting over region or trying to bring it into everything and everyone's lives.

As for myself, I would like to keep our store and have it succeed, to pay on things and get somethings fixed, good health for my family and I, loose weight, to see NKOTBSB in concert with really really good seats, meat Donnie Wahlberg, to have the money to go to the listening party of Darren Hayes & have the courage to meet him (since I am still working on the issues of being around people I don't know and admire), soooo looking forward to Darren's new album, want to see him in concert since I never have, maybe be able to open a Subway (the sandwich place) and just to continue to work on myself no matter how hard it is.

I don't know what the future holds for the world or myself (my family) but I guess I am ready as I ever will be. I am just glad and thankful that I am here and my family. That I have had the experiences that I have had.Have a happy and safe New Year everyone.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

December 21st 2012

December 21st 2012 is supposed to be the end of the world. There are so many different things that are being said how the world is going to end on that day,which one is right? I personally don't think it will end but hey anything can happen (I know too that anything can happen can happen at any sec of any day).

I just find it interesting that so many people have so may different theories on how the world is going to end on that day. Reminds me of the year 1999 when everyone was freaking out that the computers were going to go haywire etc etc. and that didn't happen at all.

The thing that scares me is that a lot of people are willing to believe just about anything. Because of this, a lot of people do think the world is going to end in 2012 and can cause A LOT of chaos. Think about it, if a good part of the world believes the world is going to end, they are more likely to go out and do anything like causing riots, crime, killing themselves or others and all kinds of other things. I know that most will not do these things but there are those who would do these things thinking "why not, I am not going to be alive tomorrow anyways". Then there are those who don't believe it is going to end but will join in anyways using the end of the world as an excuse. To me I think this is more scary than the world ending because this is more real and more likely to happen. I really hope our presidents, kings, queens etc realize this and do as much planning as they can to try to keep it to a minimum or do a lot of patrolling the streets etc. 

The media doesn't help either by creating fear in people. Bottom line, the world can end at any sec by anything: something from space, a major volcano eruption like the one in Yosemite or anything else of that magnitude. Instead of living in fear or wondering if the world is going to end in 2012, how about we focus on more important issues that going on out there. I say try to live each day like it's your last because you never know what is going to happen. Worry about more real things. If the world ends in 2012, then it does. There is nothing that can be done. It can be scary but what will happen will happen no matter what. I just seriously hope there isn't to much chaos going on the closer we get to Dec. 21st 2012.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas Spirit

As I look around every year during the holidays, I see less holiday spirit. I don't know how people started loosing the holiday spirit. Everyone is so concerned what to say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy holidays". Does it really matter? It all means the same thing. If there is a nativity scene put somewhere, some have a fit thinking religion is being pushed. Why are we so worried about little things like this when there are more serious things going on in the world?

Christmas isn't just about celebrating the birth of Jesus, it's about giving to others, spending time with family and friends and enjoying life (all of this should be practiced every day in life). There are more than one religion out there that celebrate in different ways. It all has the same meaning no matter how it's said or celebrated. There is no wrong or right way to spend the holidays, we should embrace all differences.

This is just part of the problem. The second part of people loosing the holiday spirit is getting so stressed out over crazy things. Not having money to get this & that, having to get a certain amount of gifts, feeling like you have to spend a certain amount of money, rushing & pushing through a store trying to get that special deal or things. In the mean time people become rude, stressed, some get trampled. TRAMPLED!? Over a sale or item? Is this what we have become? Not giving a crap about others while trying to get something for someone? We have used the holidays to give into our greediness forgetting about the spirit of it all in the process. Why? What does it accomplish?

It's really sad to see this happen every year. It doesn't matter what you get, how much you spend or how many gifts. What is it going to take for everyone to realize this? I hope I can live long enough to see it get better.

Please during the holidays remember these simple things:

1) It doesn't matter how it's said or how it's celebrated, it means the same thing.
2) Don't worry about little things like a nativity scene in front of a building, it's the spirit in the holiday that really counts.
3) There is no need to rush out and spend so much money that you stress and end up broke.
4) The holidays (and every day for that matter) is about the spirit in people, family, friends and giving. As long as you have each other, nothing else matters.