Friday, July 1, 2011

Mtv, VH1 and Other Music Channels

Good ol' music channels, how I miss the. Once there was time when you could turn on something called Mtv (and have it actually mean music television), turn up the volume, and dance to your favorite songs while watching the video for it. Ahhh, watching the videos, trying to copy the dance moves thinking you were just as good when it didn't matter if you weren't because you were having fun. The artist making their music known while having the chance to make creative stories to go with their songs (well most of them anyways). Then came other channels like VH1, Night Tracks every late night weekend and a few others channels in the like. Those were the good ol' days.

Now even though channels like Mtv and VH1 exists, they are no longer music channels. Now they are full of what I think useless crap entertainment. Sure they show videos in the wee hours of the night but most people are asleep. I will also have to admit that there are a few shows on Mtv that are enjoyable like 'True Life' and 'Real World' but that is really about it. This is though just my opinion. In fact I even understand why some people enjoy stuff like that, to escape all the crap going on in their own lives for a few hours and maybe, just maybe learning something from these shows. Thing is though, these channels should have created another channel to have these shows on while still playing music on the original channels. Ok, so they did create other channels for music BUT from what I know even those channels are loosing the videos.

I understand times change and now we have things like youtube to watch music videos but it isn't the same. There is obviously still a market out there for videos other wise artist still wouldn't make them. At the same time I sit here and see the music videos slowly going away and struggling to hang on. It's  just sad. There is so much creativity out there that needs to be seen and music needs to be put out there advertising. I think music videos should make a comeback and be better than ever. Music channels need to come back but up it a little so it's worth tuning in and artist need to put some creativity into their videos. A lot of people talk bad about Lady Gaga's videos but seriously her videos are so different from most people and THAT is what makes an interesting video. I think having music videos back on tv could really help the artist. 

There is nothing like sitting there in front of the tv and see a world premier video from you favorite for the first time, finding new songs to like & possibly new people to like. If I could and if I knew how, I would so create this channel for cable and possibly a late night thing on a non-cable channel. There would be interviews with artist, behind the scenes/making of videos, music news (not in a tabloid way), streaming concerts, those would be my "shows" on the channel. Then there is the music, video countdowns, a video request hr were you could call in, text or tweet your video request, featured music where I would show the latest stuff, etc etc. Now if only I could get this started and had the money to do it. I don't know, maybe I'm just a spoiled 80's girl trying to bring back those days. But hey some of those times were good and music videos are just, well awesome.

               EDITED NOTE:  I just found a cable channel that plays music videos 24/7. It's called 'The cool tv'. They seem to play all kinds. Their web site isn't that great but hey there is a music channel. It looks like they have kinda the same idea I have. Who knows, maybe some day I can still have one if I can figure out how to do it.

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