Friday, July 15, 2011

Casey Anthony

By now we all have heard about Casey Anthony and her daughter Caylee. What is getting under my skin about this whole thing is not so much that she was found not guilty but that the prosecution didn't do their job correctly. They were trying to hurry up and charge someone, thinking Casey did do something & was pressured by the media/people etc that they went to fast on trying Casey. They had no real evidence that Casey did something or even knows what happened to her daughter. Because they went after her with hardly any evidence, she had to be found not guilty by law. Now she could never ever be tried again for this case even if evidence comes up that she did do it or had part in it. It's called double jeopardy and isn't allowed. They should have first went after her for lying and then try to gather evidence for the murder of her daughter instead of the other way around. Plain and simple, the prosecution screwed up.

I keep hearing how some people are so outraged that they are trying to take matters into their own hands. When you do this, it makes you no better than anybody else in jail of assault or murder. Sorry but it's the truth. It's not up to us to punish people for doing something wrong. If you really think hard about all of this, you can't even be sure that she did kill her own daughter. My personal belief is that she either did it or knows who did and how. Just by her actions like the run around and lies. But like I said, there is no prof of anything. All we can do is guess but never assume.

We are always so quick to judge one other without caring to know the story behind things, so quick to want to punish without knowing ALL THE FACTS. Instead we take what the media gives us, what we THINK we know and make our own judgments. That is so wrong. We all know (at least should know) how the media can twist things, get things wrong and don't tell us everything. Because of this, we can never fully believe and trust what we hear and read about anything. You need facts. There is none in this case we just think there is by what we are told. Prosecutors need to start watching how they go after people and stop giving into pressure that way evidence can be gathered the right way so the guilty doesn't walk free and can't be tried again. We should be the bigger people by leaving Casey & her family alone. Karma is a big bitch and it will bite her if she really did do something or knows anything about it.

I know I am probably going to get a lot people not liking what I just said but that's ok. 

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