Sunday, June 26, 2011

Me Needy Me Wanty

I'm sure some of you have seen one of these by now but in a lot of malls, they now have these choo-choo trains that drive around the mall. The mall where we have our book store has one. There are no tracks, it's a like a big toy car. Kids & adults can ride it with a price of coarse. Here I think it's $3. It is one of the coolest things eva'. The train makes little chug chug noises and has a train horn. I not only want to ride it & drive it but I want to have my personal choo choo! How fucking cool will that be! I found a couple of videos on youtube. They are not from the mall I am at & they are not my videos but I want to show what I am talking about. Chuga chuga chuga chuga choo choo!

1 comment:

  1. Awww..that's a cool thing to have at a mall!! :)
