Saturday, April 23, 2011


I know that as long as there are people on this earth, there will be hate and hate crimes. It will still always pisses me off to no end. I am just so tired of people going after one another just because they don't like someone for the color of their skin, how they dress/look, their religion, and sexual orientation. The internet makes it happen even more since there is an easier way to reach people from all over the world. Some of these people would normally keep to themselves but since they are hiding behind a screen, they say whatever they please to whomever they please.

Today when I was on facebook, I went to Darren Hayes's page to send him a photo of some red velvet ice cream that I had since he shared it with us one day. That is when I saw that someone sent him a disrespectful comment but they thought they were doing right. I do have to say they were "nice" about it but it was still rude and uncalled for. She was talking to him about being gay. I won't go into detail simply because there is no need. It was just disrespectful and really pissed me off. You see when people talk about people who are gay, I also take it personally because I have family members who are gay and some nice people that I have gotten to know are gay (this includes Darren). She did say how she wants to "save" him?? 

Normally I just ignore this stuff but I've had it and sometimes you just have to take a stand even though you can't change the outcome. If you don't take a stand, well things could really get out of hand. I wasn't rude about any of it. I just simply put things like she had different opinions than others and she should respect that. We are all human, the same but different. She shouldn't try and change someone just because she thinks something is wrong (basically is what I said). I know Darren prefers we don't respond to people like that and like I said I usually keep hush hush. Get me rived up enough and I do say something but still in a polite manner. The whole thing has been deleted thank God. I just don't know if she took it out or if Darren saw it and took it out. I really hope it was her so he wouldn't have to see what she said. At the same time, if it was him that saw it and got rid of it, I hope he didn't get annoyed that I responded. I really hate creating drama especially on someone else's page but for some reason I just couldn't let this one go. I am still kicking myself at the same time because the last thing I want to do is piss off/annoy Darren.

Another thing today, I read and saw a video about a girl at a McDonald's that got the shit beat out of her just because she is a transvestite. She went into the women's bathroom instead the men's bathroom, that is when these two girls started to beat her. One of the workers recorded it while other stood by and let it go on. There is an older gentlemen that tried to break it up but didn't try hard enough. I don't know how many customers where inside but only one got involved which was an old women. Why is it the old people are the ones to get involved more than us younger people? Sad, very sad.

This poor girl got beat up so bad, she had a seizure. The guy that video taped the beating got fired but the other employees that just stood there is still working there. This is sick and disturbing. They seemed to enjoy the fight too. All of this just because the girl is really a guy and went into the girls bathroom. I was so heartbroken watching it. I didn't think it was going to be as bad as it was since I didn't read an article about it first.  Is this where we are still at this day in age? Beating people up for being different? I don't care if someone doesn't like people who are gay, they have that right. It's when they think they need to do something about it that really gets to me. Whether it's saying stuff to someone (face to face, FB, Myspace etc) or beating the crap out of someone, for some reason they feel the need to "deal" with the "issue" just because they don't understand it, because their religion says so, they think it's gross etc. It's fucking inhuman and God I am so sick of seeing it. It's no wonder I am sometimes scared for the lives of the people I care about that are gay, because of crazy sick minded people who think they can go around and beat people up for who they are instead of ignoring it and moving on with their own lives. 

Then there are those who sit by and do nothing. Grrrr. I will admit something that I am not proud of. One time when I was waiting at a bus stop, a kid started to beat on another kid because he (the Mexican kid) thought the white kid said something racial in school about Mexicans. I didn't do anything. My reasoning, I didn't know what to do. I didn't know how to get involved without putting a danger to myself or anybody else. The bus was about to show up in like 3min or so which wouldn't have been enough time for the cops to arrive. There was one other person there but she didn't do anything either and I don't think she would have helped me. It didn't last long but still. I feel terrible to this day. Another time this same white kid was walking down the street with a bunch of Mexican kids. I don't know if something was going to happen or not. I didn't know where they were going either. Again I didn't do anything because I was at a loss basically. It's those times that is frustrating. When something is happening but you don't know exactly what to do so you freeze. Now, it's different and I know what I could have done and should have done. I will feel bad for the rest of my life.  These employees of McDonald's could have done something. There were more of them than the two girls beating up the other girl. I would like to see a change for the better before I leave this earth. Don't know if I will though.      

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