Friday, May 27, 2011

Just random stuff

I'm in a writing mood so I thought I would write a blog. As some of you know, in the past I started a thing called 'Doggie Diaries'. Basically it was a diary of my dog but written in "her own words". I had a paper with a list of the things I still needed to write about. I lost that list. :( The last time I had it, I put it in the tote bag I take to & from my book store. It's not in there. I've looked everywhere. I can't remember everything that I wanted to write about. I do have the memories of her but it still was stories about her. I really hope I can find that paper or just remember everything I wanted to write so I can finish the diary. I do have some things written but they are in ruff draft form & I need to re-write them, then put the ones I have in order. I may post some of the entries in my story section (see my profile on here). 

The book store is starting to pick up. We are doing better than last year. I really hope this means we are going to have a really good summer. This way we can get things caught up, get some things fixed, start to be able to save money & possibly do a few fun things that are to come this year. My husband & I would like to have enough money to open up another business, possibly a pizza place or Subway sandwiches. He knows pizza & I know Subway. The book store will not last long because at some point things like the kindle will take place of books. There will always be a market for old books & trade paper backs (comics) but not enough to survive on. This is why we want to open another business. Plus, we just like owning our own stores. It can be a lot of work but it is fun too.We would also like to get into real estate & open up 2 shelters, one for animals (a no kill shelter) and the other a homeless shelter for gay teens. The shelter for gay teens is going to take so much money that I hope we can do it some day. 

As for me personally, I still struggle with so much. Trying to break down my walls is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. Learning how to talk to people, to be myself 100% around people, to not be so hard on myself, knowing when to say or when not to & what to say or what I shouldn't say. I never know if I am crossing the line with something, if I am making myself out to be someone I'm really not. It is also very hard to have enough confidence in myself so I can be more relax around people whether I know them or not.What some people may not have to think twice about saying or doing, I have to. I always feel so uncomfortable around other people. It's just all so grrrr, know what I mean? Through everything though I am still enjoying life & trying so hard to be positive about things. 

This year is going to be interesting. I know I won't be able to go the New Kids cruise next year especially if the tickets go on sale again in Aug. but other things are coming up that I am really hoping I can go to. One is Darren's listening party that I really want to go to. I've never been to one. I want to experience one, to hopefully meet some of the people I talk to on the computer (if I am not so freakin' shy), to go out of my comfort zone no matter how hard or overwhelming it might be and to of coarse hear Darren's new music & meet him for the first time. I just hope everything doesn't become so overwhelming that I start to cry a little. It wouldn't be because "OMG there's Darren", I mean after all he is human like everyone else & he is pretty down to earth, just doing something that scares me & makes me feel so uncomfortable would be the overwhelming part. Plus I just admire Darren for who he is, where he's come from & how far he has come. I know I don't know every little detail of his life but I do know enough to know that it wasn't easy & he had to over come a lot in his life. Can't forget how I have a big crush on him & that alone makes me nervous. 

I wish I could go to Darren's NYE show but unless I win the lotto, I can't get enough money to go there. A really cool group I like The Candle Thieves are going to be there too so I am a little sad that I can't be there to see them as well. Now that is something I want to experience. There is also the fact that I also want to visit London. It looks like a gorgeous place. Maybe some day. At least I have Darren's concert to look forward to when he tours the US probably next year. Even if I have to travel, I will do my best to get there because I have never seen him in concert. I guess I am done babbling for now. I have a couple of other things in mind that I want to write about so hopefully I can get the time to do so. I am also trying to finish my 4th monkey story (see my short stories page). I get a lot of writer's block when writing this story so it's slowly coming along. There are a bunch of poems and 3 more story ideas that I want to do. Anyways, have a good one & take care everyone. Thanks for reading. :-)

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