Monday, February 21, 2011

Silly wishes and hopes

Everyone has silly wishes and hopes, some are not so silly. We all want to do things in life, some may be a bit far out there but we can still dream. Sometimes I think about these things and so I thought I would blog about it.

I am fascinated by the paranormal. There are some things that are really hard for me to grasp but other things I do believe in. Although I can also be a skeptic. I am not one to automatically think a noise, feeling, sound or something I see is paranormal. I need to try and debunk it first. Since I am so fascinated by it, one of the things I would love to do is go visit some places that are supposed to be haunted. Places like the Stanly Hotel and the Waverly Hills sanitarium. What I would really love to happen is to be able too go on a ghost hunt with Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson from the tv show 'Ghost Hunters'. I respect what they do and how they do their investigations. Like I said, a silly wish.

I want to travel around the world. See everything. Do everything. I know I can't possibly do and see everything because it is just not humanly possible but I want to get close enough. Some of the places I want to see: Hawaii, UK, Australia, Bahamas, South America, etc  etc. I even want to go to places like the Arab countries and Africa. I want to explore, see, learn and have fun.

I wish I had the money so I could open a shelter for homeless gay teens. I know there are a lot of teens that are straight and homeless but there are more shelters for them than there are for teens that are gay. This will take so much money to do it the right way including having the security we will need to protect the shelter and the teens from the haters. I want to do this so bad but it seems impossible unless we happen to win the lotto.

All my life I have wanted to give to those that are less fortunate than me and to known charities. I have never had the money to do so. Sometimes it kills me inside to see some of the things others have to go through and I want to help them even if it's in a small way. One of these days I am hoping I can do this.

I still want to do things with my photographs. I still need some schooling. I'm just waiting to have enough money to do this.

I want to turn my poems and stories into books. This may be a little hard but I will continue to look into it and when I am ready I will unleash. One thing though, I need an artist that won't mind doing the art for free since I don't have the money to pay. Don't think that will happen.

My husband and I have also talked about opening up a no kill animal shelter. Again this will take more money than we could have. There are not enough of them out there and why should the animals die just because no one has taken them in by a certain time? It's not fair or right.

I guess this could have been included with the going around the world but I want to go on cruises. Reach places that you can't by plane or because the plane ride is to long for me to handle. I especially would like to have the chance to go on a Disney cruise and the New kids On The Block cruise.

I would like to meet Donnie Wahlberg even if it's once. I have had a crush on him since 1986 so to meet him would be pretty cool.

To meet and hang out for a day with the amazing Darren Hayes. Yes he is my favorite male artist beside Michael Jackson but that isn't the only nor the main reason I want to meet and hang with him. From what I know about Darren, he really is beautiful inside and out, he intrigues me, he's funny, sweet etc etc. I love hearing his thought on things. Darren is very deep, inspiring. 

Other little things I would love to do: donate blood, try to do things that scare the crap out of me like maybe hang glide (TERRIFIED of heights), go on a helicopter ride, snorkel even though I can't swim, play with dolphins. I know there are other things but this is a good start. ;-)

So what are your hopes, dreams, wishes?

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