Friday, February 18, 2011

Not into politics but.....

I am the type of person that can't really follow politics but sometimes things come up that really annoying the hell out of me. I just read an article that the federal government is going to stop funding for the planned parenthood clinics. Not just for abortions but for everything. This is just insane. Some people just can't afford health care and to get a check up etc at the doctors so they go to planned parent hood where it is affordable. Now the government is going to make it much more difficult by not helping out with the funding which will raise their prices even hirer so they can cover their cost. 

Planned parent hood has such a bad reputation for being a place to go to have abortions when in reality it's just a mini hospital, just a clinic. I am not here to preach what I think is right or wrong or my beliefs in abortion but I do want to say something on what is about to happen to the clinics. I just love how when the government believes something is in the wrong, they will do what they can to step in and do something about it even if it's in the wrong of the people. They are supposed to be here for us but instead they are doing what THEY want without thinking how it will effect us the people.

So many lives are going to be effected by this in some of the worse ways. I am tired of them deciding whats right for us & how we should live our lives. This is supposed to be a free country and I am sadly seeing it slowly being taken away from us as they slowly start to dictate all of our lives. We are individuals with different needs, beliefs, lives. I know they can't please everybody, it's life but I would expect them to do whats HUMANLY right. They seem to think they know whats best for everyone even though every one of us is different.

We need those clinics to be supported so we have a place to get decent health care when we can't afford the regular doctor visits. I really hope it doesn't go through and the clinics will continue to be funded. Hell we need more clinics to be funded (not just planned parent hood but other clinics as well) that have lower prices so the people who are struggling to put food on the table can get decent health care. 

I can go on about others things that are annoying but I want to stick to the topic (I will save them for later blogs). Don't get me wrong, I am grateful, proud and love living here in the US where in other countries a lot worse things are going on but there are things here that go on that shouldn't as well. Since I do have the freedom of speech, I am just stating my opinion on this matter. Hope the clinics can be saved so the people that need the cheaper health care can continue to receive the what they need.   

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