Friday, October 1, 2010

Bullying, Teasing & Humiliation In Our Schools

As I hear more and more about bullying in schools, I get frustrated that nothing more is being done about it. I do understand and realize that this kind of behavior will always go on, it's apart of the human culture. It's how it is being handle that is very annoying, sad and depressing.
There is so much pressure to be "hip", to drink, do drugs, have sex, look a certain way, to be a certain way. If you don't fit into those categories, you will be picked on. Just because one is different, they get picked on. If someone thinks one is ugly, to fat, to thin, to shy, not athletic, to artistic, gay, or just simply misunderstood, one gets picked on. These kids/young adults are not just being bullied, they are being humiliated.
Things are a little different when I was growing up. We didn't have cell phones with texting, digital cameras that also video tape and computers to share everything. Kids are no longer being bullied or teased in school, they are being humiliated through texting and the computer. It makes it far worse. It's disgusting what has been going on. What is one to do.
I think these days it has come down to more than just the way one looks. Now bullies are calling others gay even if they are not. The bullies are not just name calling, they go all out to do anything and everything to make sure they humiliate the one they are bulling.
What really gets me is when the word gay gets thrown into the picture, it becomes different some how. People (meaning adults) become to scared to deal with for fear of pissing off someone, think it's the kid's fault for behaving that way, thinking it's wrong to be gay so why not let it happen. Because of this, they turn the other check. The problem gets ignored. The kids feel like they can't turn to their parents. Some actually do and those parents goes to the school. They get turned away. The kid feels helpless, scared, unworthy, like no one cares, alone. If the schools or parents can't help, who will. They turn to drugs, alcohol, gangs, hurting themselves and even worse taking their own lives.
The victims are the ones being punished for something that someone else is doing to them. What does this teach our kids? I thought we were supposed to protect our kids not turn our backs on them just because we may not agree, understand how they lives their lives or scared to do say something for fear of being attacked ourselves. Is this what our world has come to? To scared to speak up for someone, thinking since your belief is "right" others should be punished if they do something against your belief?
Come on people, grow up, grow a pair and pull your head out of your ass and see what we are REALLY doing each other especially our kids/young adults. Harsh I know but hell it's about time someone is harsh about what is going on. KIDS ARE KILLING THEMSELVES!! As adults, it is our job to try to stop this from happening even if we don't agree how some is living their life. THEY ARE HUMANS TOO!
The schools need to fucking step up and do their damn job protecting the kids. And none of this "no tolerance" bullshit oh except if a kid is gay. Guess what, your "no tolerance" crap doesn't work. Victims are getting hurt in the process. We are teaching our kids to not stand up for themselves which is another reason the kids that are being bullied are so depressed because if they can't protect themselves and if no one will listen, then what? By protecting themselves I mean with words or if someone pushes them to push back. The schools need to address this issue and fast. Hold an assembly that actually matters with public speakers talking about the issue, setting up a hot-line that kids can call, tell the kids about different hot-lines that they can call like the Trevor Project. Not just say that ANY kind of bullying including by phone and computer will not be tolerated, but actually do something about it when it happens.
I understand we all believe different things and we have that right but we need to set aside what we believe to help these kids that need our help. Let them know that they are ok, nothing is wrong with them (even if you think being gay is wrong they need support), give them confidence so they can go on and be who they want to be. We need to teach our kids both victims and non-victims to speak up, protect the ones that don't have a voice, that any kids of bulling is not ok, show these kids we do care about them no matter what.
Parents need to step up too. They need to actually listen to their kids when they are being bullied, help try and solve the problem, let them know you are there for them, love them unconditionally, there is nothing wrong with them. If your kid is gay, even if you don't condone it ask yourself this: would you rather have your kid in your life even if he/she is gay or have them end their lives because even their parents say they nothing? You don't have to agree but you should still want to protect your kid from the people out there that want to hurt them. Parents also need to have a voice, band together and make sure the schools hear them and take action. Go to the papers, the news channels anything to get the schools to do something. Schools don't have to teach about LGBT to let it be known that things like that will not be tolerated.
Parents also need to teach our kids that any kind of bullying is not excepted and take more interest in their lives. Stop covering up for your kids by saying "not my kid, they wouldn't do that", or letting them get away with it if they do bully a kid. Knowing what your kids are doing, it's hard I know but it can be done. I do have two of my own so I know exactly how it is.
Bottom line, we need to start making a change for the better. These kids need our help so lets be their voice and speak up.

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