Sunday, June 6, 2010

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow part 2

Sorry for taking a bit to get the second part of my blog done. Life happened and couldn't get to it. Here is the long second part of my blog.

The 90's - The economy was so much better. The Y2K scare at the end of 1999 had us thinking the computers may crash. The 90's is the decade for digital technology. Movements go on and gay pride marches start. The fighting of AIDS go on and strong. DNA helps out in solving cases. The first cloned sheep was done. The fight against breast cancer becomes bigger. Cell phones got smaller and started to get more complicated. Computers hit home in a big way with the World wide web, emailing and chatting came into play. Digital cameras hit the market, making it easier and cheaper to take pictures. MP3's are born, making it easier to carry our music but sets itself up for illegal downloading. DVD's are invented so we can toss the VHS tapes that always get messed up. Fashion - tattoos, body piercing, grunge, goth, urban, preppie and in early 90's the 80's fashion spilled over. There were also midriff style shirts, body suits with jeans, bangs, srunchies, capri pants and over-sized sweat shirts. The electronic pet Tamagotchi became popular, so did Anime and Manga. Role playing and multi playing games became huge and is still strong today. Pokemon exploded. First the cartoon then all the merchandise with the tole playing cards. Video games and systems get better graphics. Playstation comes out. The popular games were any Mario, Zelda, Crash Bandicoot, Tomb Radier, Resident evil and Sonic. More stuff is allowed on tv ever than before. Parents complain about it. Other complaints are violent music, tv, movies and video games are causing teens to be more violent.The tv shows were 90210, Buffy, Angel, South Park, Simpsons, Seinfeld and Friends. Price is right is still going and reality shows really start to kick in. The movies that were playing - Home alone, The mummy, Silence of the lambs, Independence day, Ghost, Titanic, Jurassic park and the Sixth sense. Some of the music playing was U2, MJ, Mariah Carey, Garth Brooks, Selena, Ricky Martin, Celion Dion, Britney Spears, Spice girls, N'sync, Backstreet boys and Savage Garden. Electric dance, hip hop and alternative rock became mainstream. For me the 90's were about growing, learning, some struggles and starting a family of my own. I was sad to see New kids break away. In 92' I moved from CA to CO. Went through a lot. Got married in 97'. Loved the music from Backstreet boys and fell in love with music from Savage Garden. Saw Janet Jackson for the first time. So many things happened, so many more to come.

2000's/today - Times are moving fast. The economy has been up and down, mostly down so far. Women still are not quite seen as equals but a lot better than before. Nothing too much has changed for people who are gay unfortunately. In some states they can now marry legally but still fighting hard in other states and just trying to be excepted as any other human. For tv things have become sexier, more words are allowed to be said but not all for some stupid reason. We now have American idol and America's got talent for talent shows. Reality shows - well there are so many but they include Big brother, the bachelor and survivor. Other shows like Criminal minds, 2 1/2 men, and Ghost hunters are pretty popular. For movies, well I don't know where to start. The graphics are awesome where cartoons look almost real. Some of the awesome movies are avatar, Iron Man, twilight and Harry Potter. Music has changed. A lot of R & B, hip hop/rap which has really changed since the 80's. Electric seems to be popular as well. Today technology is moving faster than ever. Every few months there is a new cell phone with the latest gadgets. You can do just about anything on computers. Another thing about tv is that it has a better picture coming through and graphics. People are able to talk to someone half way around the world, send a message directly to their fav. star and maybe even get one back. Twenty plus yrs ago if someone told me that I would be able to talk to Donnie Wahlberg on a computer and he would answer me, I would think they were nuts. It will be interesting to see what the future will bring but also scary. 

I have decided that I am going to do this in three parts. The next part is going to be my view on the changes over the years, my feelings & opinion about what is going on and the future. I will try not to take so long writing this last part. :-)

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