Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Arguments On Gay Articles

I am sure I wrote something similar to this but this time I'm not going to talk about my feelings on people who are gay, but I am going to talk about my feelings on the comments/arguments I see on blogs that talk about people who are gay.

I don't know why I read comments on articles that has to do with the topic of people who are gay. It used to really piss me off but now I actually find them amusing. Sometimes yes, I get pissed about the ignorance but I have come to terms that there will always be racism of every kind. This doesn't mean that I nor anyone else shouldn't stand up for what's right but when it comes to comments on a website, sometimes it's better to ignore them. Some are there for attention, some are there to just state their opinion and others look for conflict so they can say how much they are correct and everyone else is wrong.  It's kinda like people watching for me but on the web and I see the conversations instead of making up my own stories.

The comments always start out with arguing if being gay is a sin and/or wrong, or if it's not. Then very quickly it turns into an argument about religion; interpretations of the bible, if there really is a God and so on.

People sometimes start "yelling", cussing each other out and calling each other names. It's like they actually loose site in what their God really stands for (or just respect if one doesn't believe in a God).  They start saying things that don't make any sense, they talk about the things they were most likely taught as a kid instead of taking a deep look into things and coming up with their own thoughts. A lot people also think they are correct and everyone else is wrong and stupid. It gets pretty crazy and stupid if you ask me.

Even though I now become mostly amused by everything, I also shake my head. I am always wondering why can't we argue about more important things? Do we really have to resort in name calling and think others are stupid just because they have different beliefs? Why do we feel the need to try and prove we are right? Why do we think that what we believe is right and others are wrong? Why can't we just respect each other? Open minds people, open minds.

I don't want to get deep into God and the bible but it does make me go "wow" at how many different interpretations there are about religion, how everyone thinks they are correct, forget that there are many different beliefs out there which none is right or wrong. It's the actions and how we treat other that really make something right or wrong. Some people get so hostile about it too. Again I ask why?

Other things I see a lot in comments are the crazy things that people believe to be true about gay people (I'm not calling the people crazy, just the words that come out of their mouths or in this case fingers). Where in the hell do some of them get their information and why do they believe it? Did something so horrible happen in their life to think theses things? Why can't they pick apart their accusations and realize what they say makes no sense? Why is it hard for some to admit they are wrong? I really do wonder about some people sometimes.

I know in writing this, I can't change everyone but I do hope some take a real hard look at themselves, how they treat others and why do they REALLY believe in some of the things they do. Maybe even try to think outside the box and come up with their own thoughts instead of what they have been taught by others. We also need to be truly educated on things before saying crazy "truths". Acknowledge others differences, accept it and most important, always show respect.

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