Saturday, September 22, 2018

Life On Other Planets?

First off I have to say, lately I have been getting several blog ideas pop in my head but I never have time to sit down and write them nor can I take notes for later use because usually I am not near a pen and paper. I do have a voice recorder but when I stopped getting ideas, I stopped carrying it around with me. I guess I should star doing so because it's hard to keep track of everything I think of to write about. Plus, ideas tend to fall out of my head just as quick as they come in, Ugh.

Anyways, I was watching a video on YouTube by the Top 5's channel. This week he was talking about possible life on other planets. It got me thinking.

Yes I've always believed that there is other life forms on other planets, possibly humans or other creatures. There is just no way that we are alone in the universe considering how big it is. Whether they are some kind of alien creature or something else is certainly unknown.

When the guy inn the video was talking about ice planets and how scientist think there is water underneath, that's when I really think there is life forms on those moons/planets. How can there not? There is always some kind of weird life forms in water, even in the deep, dark, cold waters here on earth so why not on other planets? 

Then there are the other planets, not just in our solar system. I know firery and gassy planets can't sustain life but what if they do have some kind of life form that changes how we think how life works? Or even on the super icy planets. 

I'm sure there are other planets that are like earth, I mean they have discovered at least two that I know of. I would be surprised if there was no life forms of any kind on them. 

I like to think there are planets like ours that have other humans or human like beings living their life like us. Although I hope they are a lot more respectful towards one another, not racist, not judgmental, no bullies etc. Or they could be just all about killing each other and are crazy dangerous lunatics.

I really wish we could get Star Trek technology already and have ships that fly to other planets and galaxies. Then we could really explore some of the planets and moons. Now we can only go so far with a space shuttle, probes etc and they can take forever to get somewhere. I'm sure we'll get there someday.

Friday, February 9, 2018

Bullies And What We Can Do

I think I might have mentioned my feelings about this issue before but I don't think I have written an actual blog about it. It sickens me every time I hear about bulling. I know there is nothing anybody can do to actually stop it from happening. As long as there are people, there will be bullies. What we can do is make it happen less, teach our kids to tell until someone listens when they are being bullied and teach our kids to not be bullied.

When kids/teens bully other either in person or on-line, it's a form of assault and harassment. In the adult world, these actions are a crime. So why aren't they in the world of kids and teens? I think this is one of the key things to reducing these violent acts. We want to give kids a light punishment thinking that will work, when has it? Suspending a kid, expelling them, detention does not work. So they get out of school, they don't care enough about school to have that be a punishment. 

When kids bully, they need to be punished by the law. The punishment will depend on the severe of the act. It can start from a fine and community service to spending some time in juvenile hall. This shouldn't happen just when a parent decides to press charges. If there is proof of it happening, charges need to be pressed no matter what. This needs to start happening even if done through social media.

Stop blaming the victim. Way too many times the victim gets blamed mostly by school officials and sometimes they bully a kid more by saying it's their fault, maybe they should stop...fill in the blank. Then there are times when the victim also gets suspended etc. What good does that do?

If a victim stands up for themselves and fights back, no they shouldn't get punished. It has to be proven who started it etc but the victim should never be punished for defending themselves. This reason and the reasons above are why victims tend not to tell people and tend not to fight back. What does this teach them? 

When kids feel helpless, they turn to drugs, drinking, self harm, killing themselves or committing a violent act against a school. They feel at a loss and that no one will help or protect them so they turn to other means. I think this is why we have seen a rise in this stuff, kids are not being listened to. Yes things like this didn't happen much in the 70's, 80's and before then but things back then were hush hush, it was "the norm". 

Another thing that needs to happen is to hold the schools responsible when they don't do anything. Too many schools give stupid reasons for not doing anything or a "I don't know". It's not enough. Schools need to have something happen every time they don't do something when they know a kids is being bullied. If it's just a teacher that knows and doesn't do anything and/or also becomes a bully, they need to be held responsible too.

Today there are so many ways kids can reach out and we know it's not the norm and yet still nothing gets done. It's very very sad. So when are we going to start taking action? When is our government officials going to start making tougher laws? Once we start showing our kids we are there for them and will protect them, maybe then they will start coming forward more and feel the need to commit certain acts because the feel alone, lost and unheard. When a kid reports being bullied, things need to be documented for proof. 

If I knew how to REALLY voice all of this and try to get something done about it, I would (it doesn't help that I have anxiety/social anxiety). All I know is, we need to do better for our kids and we need to take real action.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

I Love Living In The Future, The Past Is great Too Part 1

I love living in the future, the past was great too. You can't talk about the future without talking about the past. I am a kid from the 70's and 80's. We were forced to use our imaginations, had to come up with games to play outside or at least play ones that were around for a long time but has changed a little when my generation started playing them. There was no video game systems (at least at first), no home computers and not even cable. I only had 6 tv channels: channel 2, 13/3/31 (whichever it was in the area), channel 4, 7, 9 and PBS.

Our cartoons and kid shows were some that our parents grew up with and some were not; Bugs Bunny, Scooby-doo, Superfriends, Spider-Man, Batman, Mr Rogers, School house rock, electric company, sesame street, Tom and Jerry and more.

We didn't have cell phones so if we wanted to call home or if our parents wanted to get a hold of us, there was the friend's parents phones. Every phone had a cord until the 80's. Even for awhile there were no video tapes to watch your favorite movies. If you missed your favorite tv show, you were screwed. Toys were made so much better than what they are today. You had to use a payphone if you needed to make a call when you weren't home. You better made sure you had change, the right amount and extra for when time ran out and you had to put in more money.

You had to call the operator '0' to connect to the police, ambulance or firemen. You could also call a number to tell you the time. The operator had their hands full because they either connected you to any emergency person or helped you find a phone number or address to a place or person. We also had the yellow and white pages to look up numbers and addresses to people and businesses. 

If you wanted or needed to look up information on a state or animal, you had to go to the library and check out books or read an encyclopedia. You had to look up how to spell words in a dictionary. At the library, you had to search through index cards that had their books on file just so you could know if they carried that book.

There were pen pals that you could right to and have it take for ever for that letter to get to them through the mail and for you to get a response.

We would listen to our records all day and try to record our favorite songs from the radio hoping the DJ wouldn't talk over them. We could place more than one 45' on our record players at the same time with an arm holding them up then drop down one at a time when the 45' was done playing. We had to get up to change the channel on the tv and on our radios. We couldn't carry our music with us unless it was just a radio (at least for awhile).

We eventually got what was called walkman's and boom boxes. So now we could carry our favorite music with us. That was pretty cool to experience for the first time.

Then came the video games like Atari and Nintendo, VCR's and cable. I remember when VCR's first came out and the video store Blockbusters came to our area. VHS and Beta were in a war, VHS won. I thought it was the coolest thing to be able to rent or buy your favorite movies and watch them any time. 

Cable tv was freakin' awesome. There were just a few movie channels: HBO, Showtime, Playboy and at some point Cinamax. There were a few other channels but none too interesting to me. Then came Nickelodeon with tv shows like 'You can't do that on television' where they would slime people. At some point we got MTV were they played music videos. It was so cool to see your favorite artist bring their songs to life on the screen. The cable box was literally a box with buttons and you had to switch the buttons to the channel you wanted (see photo below). You got a cable tv guide in the mail that lasted for a month telling you what was going to be on the cable channels. I couldn't wait to go through it and marked which movies I wanted to discover for that month.

Mtv really kicked in when Michael Jackson came out with some really cool videos and took them to a different level. I used to watch Mtv all day, dancing and singing to my favorite songs. Other people tried to come up with other music channels like on the weekends there was Night Tracks late at night on one of the regular tv channels. Then came VH1 with their music videos all day long. I remember seeing 'Thriller' for the very first time. I got a rug burn on me knee because I skidded on the carpet trying to get to the front room in time when I heard it coming on.

When it came to video games, I never had an Atari but my mom's friend at the time would bring it over so I could play centipede. I eventually got the Nintendo and I still have it and it works. Since I couldn't play outside much due to my asthma, this was great for me. I would play for hours trying to beat my games. It sucked that I had to start all over again if I turned the game off because there was no such thing as saving your game.

At some point, remotes started to come about. No more getting up to turn on your tv, to change the channel or to operate the radio on your stereo. Another great invention. Cable finally got rid of their channel boxes and came out with their own remote. Now a household had at least 3 remotes because there was no universal remote. 

Cameras had film. There was the 110, 35mm and at some point Polaroid. The flashes on the cameras went from one flash cube that was done for with one shot to multiply flash bulbs that you had to attach to your camera. Once that set of flash bulbs were done, you had to get another flash bulb set. You only had a certain number of pictures you could take on each roll of film and you had to make sure you got the right kind of film for the right kind photos you were taking (like indoor, outdoor, sunny or nighttime). 200, 400 and 800 where the ones you had to know to get. You couldn't see your photos until you got them from the lab about a week later (until the instant camera came out). I remember when Kodak first came out with same day picture return then moved to 1 hour.

Fast forward to today. So much has changed in the 45 years I have been alive. I can't even imagine how my parents and grandparents (if they were still alive) feel seeing all the changes the world has gone through since they have been alive.

I didn't expect for this blog to be as long as it is. I just expected to write about living in the future. Then I realized I needed to start with the past. I now have to split this into 2 parts. This first part has come to an end but here is part 2: Click Here

I Love Living In The Future, The past Was Great Too Part 2

So now we live in the future. Records and tapes have turned into cd's. Albums are making a slow comeback but they are not as big back in the day. The cd's are now turning into all digital. You can't record from the radio but you can buy single songs for a buck (and some just steal the songs :/ ). You can carry your songs anywhere on an ipod (which are now becoming extinct) or just on your phone (phone stuff will come later). You used to be able to buy blank cd's to put pictures, music etc on but that too is going away. The parts I like: I can buy songs buy themselves for a buck and carry around a small device to listen to them. Cd's are way better than tapes. You can find almost any song to buy on the web, even rare and old ones. I hate; blank cd's are going away (I still use them for my photos and music I buy). I still want that physical copy especially if something happens to the devices, I still have the copy.

Video games have come a long way. I love that you can save your progress, there are story lines and the graphics are amazing. I wish they would re-boot the classics but make it to where you can save your progress. But then yet, that is part of the fun of the classics. The newer video games also let you have multi players even if the other players are in another country. How freakin' cool is that!

Cable tv has come a long way. There are so many channels that it's a little too much and there is still nothing good on. There are multiple movie channels which is great but at the same time, who needs that many? I love having remotes, that you can have 1 remote for both the tv and cable and we can record tv shows and even pause live tv. No more bulky video tapes but then you can't keep certain tv programs forever. There are tv shows on dvd's which is awesome especially the classic shows. 

One thing I don't like about the children's shows and channels, they are not as good as they used to be. The Disney channel used to be full over Disney cartoon both new and classics with a little mix of other stuff. I miss that. The different Mtv's and VH1's no longer show music videos except maybe real late at night and it's not even good ones. I miss the video channels.

Getting information is so much easier and quicker and looking to see if the library has a book is so much faster. I love being able to find out about practically anything just by punching a few key strokes. Some stuff might be wrong but the fact you can look up anything in seconds is amazing. Watching an old tv show and want to know what happened to them? Ask Google. Need to know the nearest location of your favorite store, eatery etc, look it up on the net. So much better than flipping through a phone book, trying to read the small words.

This brings me to the home computer and the Internet. There is so much good that has come out of a home computer, I don't even know where to start. You can watch movies and tv shows on-line, connect to your favorite star through twitter, facebook etc, talk to someone on the other side of the planet in real time, hell even do a video chat with someone so you can see them. Send messages/letters right away through email and have that person get it within seconds. Send and share photos with loved ones. The outlet to be creative is so big. You can post stories, poems, blogs, make videos. Film makers can make their stuff and put it on youtube. You can watch just about any music on youtube. I can go on about how great the Internet is but it's endless.

Of course there is a downside to the web that wouldn't be available if we lived like yesterday. On-line bullying, the deep web, scammers, easier to steal someone's info, endless child predators have more access and can share with each other. The web makes it easier for us to be assholes to each other.

The other good thing about the net, songs etc, there are more ways to get help with depression, suicide, to reach out to others when you are in pain, for strangers to be nice to one another in time of need, easier to donate money. There are more hot lines to call and a lot more songs about how one is special, strong and good. Famous people can reach out to their fans and even be there if a fan is going through something bad. There was none of that when I was growing up. I wish there was more positive out there when I was a kid, it could of helped me get through things.

Cameras today are so much better. You can take hundreds of photos before running out of space. You can see your photos right there to see if it came out and re-take it if it didn't. You can edit your photos on your computer and even add some cool effects. No more dealing with bulky flash bulbs (unless you are a pro but that doesn't count in this). No more dealing with the pesky rolls of film. No more worrying if the photo lab is going to lose or fuck up your photos.

Phones, oh my God have they come a long way. Just as little as 10-15 years ago phones have become more advance. You can carry one with you, take photos with it, get on-line with it and now you can even take a photo of your check to deposit it in the bank. At some stores (like Sam's club), you can scan your items as you put them in the cart, pay for it from your phone and walk out with a receipt on your phone. No waiting in long as lines. You can also have a device attached to your phone to swipe someone's credit/debit card if they are buying something from you. How freaking cool is that! 

The past was pretty cool and in someways better but the future is pretty awesome. So much can happen that couldn't be done before. There is the bad but bad will always come with the good. Can't wait to see what is in the near and distance future (also kinda scared of some of it). As things get better and easier, it comes with a price where we also have to do more to protect ourselves. 

Sometimes things happen when I am out and about in the world and I just sit there and go, "damn, I love living in the future."