For this blog, I was inspired by a friend of mine. She went to Japan for a year through a program where she helps kids/people with language. She posts updates about her adventures there. This is the second time she has been there. She has also talked about some of the cultural differences like how they look at tattoos differently there and usually (not all but I guess a lot) if someone has one, it might mean they are in some kind of mob/gang so it's still seen as not that great to have one. Some people in Japan may want to get a tattoo but they are afraid to since there is a bad stigma about it.
One of the post I read today was about their pride fest. Yes apparently they have one but it's really different. It isn't huge crowds like it is here. That is pretty much the only place one can express themselves but still not completely. Some hide behind masks. At their pride there are 3 different groups that people get into like who doesn't care if their photo is taken, ones who don't want their photo taken and ones who dress up.
There still wasn't a lot of support since it is still looked down upon even though they have their version of a pride fest. Their parade is more of a march along the side of the road while cars are still going by. There were welcomes from passerby but it still is very different from what we experience here in the US. They may have freedoms there but not completely if they can't be who they are.
This got me thinking and wanting to write. Here in the US, we have freedoms. The freedom to say what we want, to dress how we want, to be who we are. We don't have to live in fear and shut down everything about ourselves. Yes we still have fear because for some reason there are people out there who bully, discriminate, have hate and create violence all because they don't like certain things. The catch, they have the freedom to express their hate (within the laws), we still have the freedom to be who we are.
We have forgotten that others are not so lucky. We have the freedom to kneel during the national anthem, to bare arms, to speak out when we don't like something, to be gay etc, to dress the way we want, to wear tattoos, to have our hair they way we want, marry who we want and so much more. Our soldiers fight for our freedoms.
We are so very lucky to have them. To live in a place where we can be ourselves without the worry of getting put in prison or killed just for simple little things. Women have the same rights as men where in other places they have next to none.
We sit here and argue and fight with each about if it's wrong for a football player to kneel during the anthem. Whether we think it's right or wrong, they have the right. We fight and argue about gun control. Even though there should be some kind of gun laws, them being too strict doesn't do a damn thing except take our rights away. We have the right to bare arms. To protect our family (I will save my thoughts on guns for another blog). We have the right to marry who we love. Despite if one thinks it's wrong, as humans, we have and deserve that right. We have the right to say what's on our minds even if it's bad things about our government or hate speech. We have the right.
When I hear people in their government offices debating and making laws that will take some our freedoms away just because THEY don't agree with something, it makes me sick. Our freedoms shouldn't be taken away just because someone in the oval office thinks it's immoral.
To everyone in the government, present and future: Just because you don't like something or don't agree with something, it doesn't give you the moral human right to take that freedom from everyone else. Laws should be made (some anyways) by what is human morally right, not by opinion.
We as the people need to make sure our government doesn't take our freedoms away. Even if we don't like something and think it's wrong, it doesn't mean everyone else needs to live that way. Rights/freedoms should never be taken away based on opinions. NEVER! We need to make sure we continue to live in a country where we are free. Sure we need laws to keep people in line and to take care of the bad people, I get that.
Please people, for heaven's sake, stop fighting over stupid things. We can disagree on something but always remember, WE HAVE THE FREEDOM, WE HAVE THE RIGHT. Let the football players kneel if they choose to, let someone in the army no matter their sexual orientation, let someone marry the person they love regardless on the sex, let everyone have the same rights, let women choose what they want/need to do with their own bodies. We need to continue to fight for freedoms and our rights even if we don't like some of those things. It's the human thing to do. We need to realize how good we have it, be thankful for it, fight for it.
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Friday, June 30, 2017
Why Do We Come Out?
I was sitting here in my room, watching old youtube clips of Ellen DeGeneres coming out and/or speaking about it. I then asked myself, why do we have to come out? Why not just be who we are. Why can't we just love who we love and/or be who we are and not have to worry about coming out? Why do others wonder and feel they have to know who we love or the kind of lifestyle we live or what has happened to us?
Why do other people get surprised when we mention the kind of person we are? Why are they surprised about some of the things we have been through? Why do we feel the need to even mention it? Why can't we just talk about who we are like we talk about other things without someone batting an eye lash? Why can't we just be open about things without having to come out? Hell, why do some people judge even if they don't agree? One doesn't have to agree with something and still not judge.
Why can't we just be who we are without fear? It's very sad and depressing that we have to hide from ourselves and one another. It's sad that we have to "come out" as being who we are because everything is such a secret and looked down on. Every single one of us has "something" that we are "hiding". Whether being gay, bi, poly, pan, a sexual, our fetishes, being into bdsm, being abused, was raped, being bullied, have depression etc.
Even though being abused, was raped and so on isn't a lifestyle, it's still something that we "come out" about because there is still that fear of being judged. They are shameful secrets. Coming out can mean about anything.
So again I ask, why do we come out instead of just being who we are and have it be "normal"?
Why do other people get surprised when we mention the kind of person we are? Why are they surprised about some of the things we have been through? Why do we feel the need to even mention it? Why can't we just talk about who we are like we talk about other things without someone batting an eye lash? Why can't we just be open about things without having to come out? Hell, why do some people judge even if they don't agree? One doesn't have to agree with something and still not judge.
Why can't we just be who we are without fear? It's very sad and depressing that we have to hide from ourselves and one another. It's sad that we have to "come out" as being who we are because everything is such a secret and looked down on. Every single one of us has "something" that we are "hiding". Whether being gay, bi, poly, pan, a sexual, our fetishes, being into bdsm, being abused, was raped, being bullied, have depression etc.
Even though being abused, was raped and so on isn't a lifestyle, it's still something that we "come out" about because there is still that fear of being judged. They are shameful secrets. Coming out can mean about anything.
So again I ask, why do we come out instead of just being who we are and have it be "normal"?
coming out,
gay life,
open lifestyle,
Monday, June 19, 2017
Letter To Depression
Dear Depression,
You are one of the most evil things out there. You destroy people from within. You make them not want to do anything, to think and feel the worst, like nothing will ever get better and sometimes in the end you take people's lives.
You destroy relationships, making people push others away. You create isolation and can make people sick. You make some turn to drugs and alcohol so they can try to get rid of you. You make long lasting friendships turn into dust in the wind.
You make anger and hate your best friends. You turn some people into raging demon like who cause harm to others. You have infected millions of people. You are an epidemic. Everyone reacts differently when they are infected but the outcome is still the same. You've wormed into people's heads and bury deep inside, latching on and never letting go. You are a parasite.
I hate you depression with every fiber of my being. You disgust me. Luckily some of us will fight you and come out ahead no matter how hard you try to take us down. When all is said and done, unfortunately you will always be around, whispering evil things to your victims. You are the worst.
Your #1 hater
*Note - I was tired when I wrote this and I now I missed some things that I thought about putting in when I first came up with this idea but it's basically how I feel about depression (obviously). I'm just tired of it destroying people and how it effects everyone in some way; either personally or we know someone who has it.
You are one of the most evil things out there. You destroy people from within. You make them not want to do anything, to think and feel the worst, like nothing will ever get better and sometimes in the end you take people's lives.
You destroy relationships, making people push others away. You create isolation and can make people sick. You make some turn to drugs and alcohol so they can try to get rid of you. You make long lasting friendships turn into dust in the wind.
You make anger and hate your best friends. You turn some people into raging demon like who cause harm to others. You have infected millions of people. You are an epidemic. Everyone reacts differently when they are infected but the outcome is still the same. You've wormed into people's heads and bury deep inside, latching on and never letting go. You are a parasite.
I hate you depression with every fiber of my being. You disgust me. Luckily some of us will fight you and come out ahead no matter how hard you try to take us down. When all is said and done, unfortunately you will always be around, whispering evil things to your victims. You are the worst.
Your #1 hater
*Note - I was tired when I wrote this and I now I missed some things that I thought about putting in when I first came up with this idea but it's basically how I feel about depression (obviously). I'm just tired of it destroying people and how it effects everyone in some way; either personally or we know someone who has it.
Thursday, April 20, 2017
Fear Runs The Planet
Fear of the unknown, scary changes, things that are not the norm, and so much more tends to run the world. We are so scared of change. We as a society become so used to something that when things should change for the better, we think it's wrong, disgusting, not normal and we should just stick to the customs that we created centuries ago. We never stop to think that things need to change especially when it comes to human rights. All of us don't have to agree with everything nor participate in everything but we do need to stop being so judgmental, scared of the unknown, refuse change, stop letting fear take over our lives and let people be who they are without judgement.
Way back when, people didn't understand a woman's period. Women had to stay in bed the whole time and it was looked at as disgusting. Times changed once we got over the fear and now we see it as a natural thing and women no longer have to stay in bed (unless they choose to from discomfort or pain). Women stayed home to take of the house while men made the money. Now, women are out there making money too. There was segregation and mixed marriages were not allowed. Now we can marry of any color (even though it is still looked down upon for some reason) and segregation is gone. There are many other examples.
We were able to get over the fear to have these things change for the better. They definitely need some work still but there has been a lot of progress. There are a lot of other things that I feel we need to get over and work on as a society. Here are my top 10.
1) Breast feeding in public - I still don't understand why this is an issue. It's a mother's duty to feed her baby. Sometimes a baby doesn't like to be covered up especially when it's hot. There is nothing wrong with it at all even in public. There is nothing nasty about it and all kids see is a mom feeding her baby. I think it's about time we let mom's breast feed in public while the rest of us just don't worry about it. We fear our kids are going to see a boob. Why? They won't think anything of it. It's only us adults that it make it a "nasty, uncomfortable" thing. We can learn a lot from kids.
2) Women going topless - I personally wouldn't do this but I think women have the right to go topless if they choose to. Men do it so why can't women? Women's boobs get to be shown but god forbid if her nipple shows. This doesn't make sense one bit. The only difference between a man's "boobs" and women's boobs is one set is flat and the other are "swollen". Also, with women, they are looked at as a sexual thing. Men's nipples are a sexual thing to women and gay men so again I say, what is the difference? I just don't see why people are so afraid of this happening.
3) Porn - Why do we see this as a dirty thing? It's not just for men and no it does not degrade women. Too much of it can ruin a relationship but so can other things if done too much. What does it matter what people watch behind closed doors and why do some try to fight it so bad? It's just sex and some couples benefit from it. Some fear it will ruin relationships (it can but so can other things), it's a sin (some how I think God doesn't care if we watch people having sex) and other fears that it may stir up in someone.
4) Pot - For years we have been told pot is bad. It's a gateway drug. Even though I agree that one shouldn't sit there and smoke it all day long and that it can damage your brain cells, I also believe that part of the chemicals in pot actually help people. Pot isn't a gateway drug. If one wants to do other drugs, they will do them whether they first start out with pot or not. Pot doesn't hurt you like drinking does. Pot should be legal everywhere. Alcohol is far more dangerous and that is legal. Pot should be used as a medical thing even to kids (not the part that makes one high obviously). Instead of not fully understanding, fearing it and going against it, we need to find out the real information about it and let people do what they need to do (or want). It can be taxed and generate more money for the states. This law finally needs to be changed everywhere including by federal law. Many people can be helped from it.
5) BDSM/Fetishes - Let me first start off with fetishes. Everyone one of us has at least one. Some can be pretty odd but why should we judge what one is into if it doesn't hurt anyone? Again there is unnecessary judgement. As for BDSM, I still don't know why this is looked down on. People still have to hide what they are into for fear of judgement and other things. Some say it's disgusting, degrading and abuse. It's never those things IF there is consent and trust. There is a difference between abuse and BDSM. There are a lot of people out there that like to be tied up, spanked (sometimes really hard), gang banged and so much more. Nobody should have to hide from the things they like. Again it's all about consent. We need to stop making these things so bad when it really isn't. Every single one of us likes something freaky in the bedroom but just on different levels. There is so much fear and not understanding when it comes to this subject.
6) LGTB and more - I've talked about this before in other blogs. But I don't think I've talked about the fear part much. We as a society are used to living a certain way. When that way changes, we become fearful of it, not understanding it and hide behind our faith using it as a reason why we don't like it and how "it's a sin". NONE of the genders or "titles" of how someone lives their personal life is wrong in anyway. We can't help what we like. Some people like mayo while others like miracle whip. It's all who we are and nothing can change that. If someone is a certain way, they shouldn't have to force themselves to be different or to "get help". We need to start letting people be themselves. It doesn't effect us.
7) Prostitution - This profession is deemed disgusting, shameful and degrading. The only place in america that it's legal is in Nevada. My question is why? If one doesn't like prostitution, then don't look for one. It's not disgusting (people have sex all the time even with people they hardly know), there is no reason why it should be shameful and it's not degrading to women if they make the choice to do it. It needs to be legal everywhere with guidelines and taxed (again can bring money to states). The men need to wear condoms at all times, the girls (or guys) need to be tested every so often and they can't be on drugs or drunk (both the customers and prostitutes). Not only could it bring in more money, it would be safer for both the customer and the workers. Like pot, it's long overdue and needs to be legal.
8) Race - Just like anything else, I don't understand why this is even an issue. More so than anything else. The color of our skin is just our pigmentation being a different color. It has nothing to do with how we are as a person and/or how someone acts. Yes there very few differences on how certain groups of people behave but none of those things are good enough reasons to group someone a a category or be racist against them. Each individual is different and should be treated as such. Judge by someone's behavior, not by the color of their skin, religion and so on. This racist crap just needs to go away. Nobody is perfect neither is one race.
9) Transgender and bathrooms - This is one of the big ones where fear steps in and tries to rule of us. I just don't it. Transgender people have been using the bathroom that they identity with since, well forever. It's just something no one has talked about or thought about until the topic was brought up. Men have been sneaking into women's bathrooms to assault them, kidnap kids etc since public bathrooms were invented. Nothing will stop them from doing it including laws. Some people don't want men in the bathrooms with their little girls but if they have to uses the bathroom that they were born with, men will still be using the bathroom with little girls but on the outside they will look different. Men don't want to use the bathroom with women but they will be if people have to use the bathroom they were born with. Either way, there is going to be a mixed gender using the same bathroom. Hell there are times I wanted to use the men's bathroom because the ladies had a really long line and I had to pee too bad. If it wasn't against the law, I would have. People just need and want a place to pee and shit. They are not there to harm anyone or to cause trouble. The reason behind people's fear on why they want it illegal for trans to use their proper bathroom is just stupid and makes no sense (reasons above). If a man really wanted to sexually abuse a female, nothing will stop them and no it will not make it easier. People just need to get over themselves, stop letting fear rule them and let trans people use the bathroom they feel comfortable with.
10)Cussing/shielding our kids - I understanding teaching kids to not cuss until they get older. I understanding not letting them watch R rated movies etc. What I don't get is shielding them from everything "bad" thinking it will harm them. They will hear bad words. There isn't anything wrong with it as long as you teach them why they are bad and why they can't use them until they are older. It's not the end of the world if they happen to see a naked body part, find out about LGTB+ people or anything else. They understand more than we give them credit. Just explain things to them. They won't be corrupted, they won't die or anything if these things happen to them. If we are too afraid to expose them to certain things and shield them, they will learn or see these things else where without anyone explaining things to them that need to be explained. Also, it will make them want to go explore certain things on their own which can be dangerous. Fear can do more harm to our kids that it can protecting them.
Enough with the judgement. With the hate and being disrespectful. We are so much better than this. There needs to be more love instead of hate. We need to stop letting our fears take control and do more logical thinking and research. Stop letting religion dictate on what we think, believe and how we live our lives. There is nothing to fear of any of these things or anything else.
Why does any of this really matter to anyone? Fear is the enemy. It's like a disease. It's the dictatorship of us. We need to stop it dead in it's tracks. Fear is ahead of the game. We have to be bigger than fear. We need to be ahead. We need to look at it in the face and squish it. Fear is ruining this world and we are letting it. Why? Fear leads to hate, leads to uncertain, discomfort, judgement and violence. Fear is evil and destroys lives. We need to start kicking it out of our lives so the bad the things that come from it will no longer control the world.
Way back when, people didn't understand a woman's period. Women had to stay in bed the whole time and it was looked at as disgusting. Times changed once we got over the fear and now we see it as a natural thing and women no longer have to stay in bed (unless they choose to from discomfort or pain). Women stayed home to take of the house while men made the money. Now, women are out there making money too. There was segregation and mixed marriages were not allowed. Now we can marry of any color (even though it is still looked down upon for some reason) and segregation is gone. There are many other examples.
We were able to get over the fear to have these things change for the better. They definitely need some work still but there has been a lot of progress. There are a lot of other things that I feel we need to get over and work on as a society. Here are my top 10.
1) Breast feeding in public - I still don't understand why this is an issue. It's a mother's duty to feed her baby. Sometimes a baby doesn't like to be covered up especially when it's hot. There is nothing wrong with it at all even in public. There is nothing nasty about it and all kids see is a mom feeding her baby. I think it's about time we let mom's breast feed in public while the rest of us just don't worry about it. We fear our kids are going to see a boob. Why? They won't think anything of it. It's only us adults that it make it a "nasty, uncomfortable" thing. We can learn a lot from kids.
2) Women going topless - I personally wouldn't do this but I think women have the right to go topless if they choose to. Men do it so why can't women? Women's boobs get to be shown but god forbid if her nipple shows. This doesn't make sense one bit. The only difference between a man's "boobs" and women's boobs is one set is flat and the other are "swollen". Also, with women, they are looked at as a sexual thing. Men's nipples are a sexual thing to women and gay men so again I say, what is the difference? I just don't see why people are so afraid of this happening.
3) Porn - Why do we see this as a dirty thing? It's not just for men and no it does not degrade women. Too much of it can ruin a relationship but so can other things if done too much. What does it matter what people watch behind closed doors and why do some try to fight it so bad? It's just sex and some couples benefit from it. Some fear it will ruin relationships (it can but so can other things), it's a sin (some how I think God doesn't care if we watch people having sex) and other fears that it may stir up in someone.
4) Pot - For years we have been told pot is bad. It's a gateway drug. Even though I agree that one shouldn't sit there and smoke it all day long and that it can damage your brain cells, I also believe that part of the chemicals in pot actually help people. Pot isn't a gateway drug. If one wants to do other drugs, they will do them whether they first start out with pot or not. Pot doesn't hurt you like drinking does. Pot should be legal everywhere. Alcohol is far more dangerous and that is legal. Pot should be used as a medical thing even to kids (not the part that makes one high obviously). Instead of not fully understanding, fearing it and going against it, we need to find out the real information about it and let people do what they need to do (or want). It can be taxed and generate more money for the states. This law finally needs to be changed everywhere including by federal law. Many people can be helped from it.
5) BDSM/Fetishes - Let me first start off with fetishes. Everyone one of us has at least one. Some can be pretty odd but why should we judge what one is into if it doesn't hurt anyone? Again there is unnecessary judgement. As for BDSM, I still don't know why this is looked down on. People still have to hide what they are into for fear of judgement and other things. Some say it's disgusting, degrading and abuse. It's never those things IF there is consent and trust. There is a difference between abuse and BDSM. There are a lot of people out there that like to be tied up, spanked (sometimes really hard), gang banged and so much more. Nobody should have to hide from the things they like. Again it's all about consent. We need to stop making these things so bad when it really isn't. Every single one of us likes something freaky in the bedroom but just on different levels. There is so much fear and not understanding when it comes to this subject.
6) LGTB and more - I've talked about this before in other blogs. But I don't think I've talked about the fear part much. We as a society are used to living a certain way. When that way changes, we become fearful of it, not understanding it and hide behind our faith using it as a reason why we don't like it and how "it's a sin". NONE of the genders or "titles" of how someone lives their personal life is wrong in anyway. We can't help what we like. Some people like mayo while others like miracle whip. It's all who we are and nothing can change that. If someone is a certain way, they shouldn't have to force themselves to be different or to "get help". We need to start letting people be themselves. It doesn't effect us.
7) Prostitution - This profession is deemed disgusting, shameful and degrading. The only place in america that it's legal is in Nevada. My question is why? If one doesn't like prostitution, then don't look for one. It's not disgusting (people have sex all the time even with people they hardly know), there is no reason why it should be shameful and it's not degrading to women if they make the choice to do it. It needs to be legal everywhere with guidelines and taxed (again can bring money to states). The men need to wear condoms at all times, the girls (or guys) need to be tested every so often and they can't be on drugs or drunk (both the customers and prostitutes). Not only could it bring in more money, it would be safer for both the customer and the workers. Like pot, it's long overdue and needs to be legal.
8) Race - Just like anything else, I don't understand why this is even an issue. More so than anything else. The color of our skin is just our pigmentation being a different color. It has nothing to do with how we are as a person and/or how someone acts. Yes there very few differences on how certain groups of people behave but none of those things are good enough reasons to group someone a a category or be racist against them. Each individual is different and should be treated as such. Judge by someone's behavior, not by the color of their skin, religion and so on. This racist crap just needs to go away. Nobody is perfect neither is one race.
9) Transgender and bathrooms - This is one of the big ones where fear steps in and tries to rule of us. I just don't it. Transgender people have been using the bathroom that they identity with since, well forever. It's just something no one has talked about or thought about until the topic was brought up. Men have been sneaking into women's bathrooms to assault them, kidnap kids etc since public bathrooms were invented. Nothing will stop them from doing it including laws. Some people don't want men in the bathrooms with their little girls but if they have to uses the bathroom that they were born with, men will still be using the bathroom with little girls but on the outside they will look different. Men don't want to use the bathroom with women but they will be if people have to use the bathroom they were born with. Either way, there is going to be a mixed gender using the same bathroom. Hell there are times I wanted to use the men's bathroom because the ladies had a really long line and I had to pee too bad. If it wasn't against the law, I would have. People just need and want a place to pee and shit. They are not there to harm anyone or to cause trouble. The reason behind people's fear on why they want it illegal for trans to use their proper bathroom is just stupid and makes no sense (reasons above). If a man really wanted to sexually abuse a female, nothing will stop them and no it will not make it easier. People just need to get over themselves, stop letting fear rule them and let trans people use the bathroom they feel comfortable with.
10)Cussing/shielding our kids - I understanding teaching kids to not cuss until they get older. I understanding not letting them watch R rated movies etc. What I don't get is shielding them from everything "bad" thinking it will harm them. They will hear bad words. There isn't anything wrong with it as long as you teach them why they are bad and why they can't use them until they are older. It's not the end of the world if they happen to see a naked body part, find out about LGTB+ people or anything else. They understand more than we give them credit. Just explain things to them. They won't be corrupted, they won't die or anything if these things happen to them. If we are too afraid to expose them to certain things and shield them, they will learn or see these things else where without anyone explaining things to them that need to be explained. Also, it will make them want to go explore certain things on their own which can be dangerous. Fear can do more harm to our kids that it can protecting them.
Enough with the judgement. With the hate and being disrespectful. We are so much better than this. There needs to be more love instead of hate. We need to stop letting our fears take control and do more logical thinking and research. Stop letting religion dictate on what we think, believe and how we live our lives. There is nothing to fear of any of these things or anything else.
Why does any of this really matter to anyone? Fear is the enemy. It's like a disease. It's the dictatorship of us. We need to stop it dead in it's tracks. Fear is ahead of the game. We have to be bigger than fear. We need to be ahead. We need to look at it in the face and squish it. Fear is ruining this world and we are letting it. Why? Fear leads to hate, leads to uncertain, discomfort, judgement and violence. Fear is evil and destroys lives. We need to start kicking it out of our lives so the bad the things that come from it will no longer control the world.
breast feeding,
human rights,
Friday, March 10, 2017
Listening To 911 Calls
I really don't know why I do it to myself. Maybe out of curiosity. I have only listened to a small handful of them but today I think I listened to some of the worst. I know it's never good to listen to them but I get curious then kinda wish I didn't.
One of the ones I listened to today was about a little girl calling because her step dad was beating the crap out of her mom and he also hurt the little girl's 4 year old sister. It was heart wrenching to hear the little girl crying, screaming and pleading for help. I believe this girl was 6.
The second one that made me cry was one of the 911 calls from a teacher during the columbine shooting. She survived but at one point all you hear are gun shots and someone screaming. Not only was this hard to hear but it brought back memories for me on that day.
You see, that day I was working at a Subway that was the second closest (I believe) to the high school. People and a few kids that I guess were on their lunch came in saying they couldn't get to the other Subway because streets were blocked off and there were lots of cop cars. I think there was a little traffic where we were due to things being blocked off around the school. Later that night on the news, I heard the reason why. My heart broke. It also reminded me that at any second of the day, something horrific is going on in someone's life while we are just going about our day. It also made me feel thankful and wanted to hug my kids even more because you just never know.
The other one I heard was the mass shooting at the Aurora theater. As someone was talking to the operator, you can hear nothing but gun shots in the background. It isn't hard to image the people scrambling, hiding and getting shot. I think this one hit me the hardest.
I know exactly where that theater is and have gone there before. At the time, I didn't live close to it but close enough to go there if I wanted. At one point after the incident, I did move just minutes from there and went there a lot once it re-opened. Going there for the first for me after it happened was heartbreaking.
One of my sons was a big movie goer and almost went there that night but when a couple of friends decided not to go, the plans were just canceled (he didn't drive at the time so he had to rely on his friends with cars). I thank god that he didn't go. It's crazy to think that these days you can't go anywhere without some kind of worry if someone is going to shoot up a place.
I don't know how the 911 operators do it. It must be one of the toughest jobs. To sit there and listen to something being played out and all they can do is try to keep the person on the other end calm while they try to remain calm themselves. It wouldn't surprise me if they need counseling to help get them through the day without being seriously depressed and stressed. No wonder there is a shortage of operators, it takes a certain kind of strength to have to deal with that. It doesn't include the ones who call for no reason, who are drunk and when someone decided to be an ass to them. The operators don't get enough credit and recognition that they deserve.
I'm sure I will listen to other 911 calls and continue to ask myself why. I guess it can't help put things in perspective when listening to them. We should always be thankful for what we have, treat each other with respect and tell someone that you love them because you just never know when tragedy will strike.
One of the ones I listened to today was about a little girl calling because her step dad was beating the crap out of her mom and he also hurt the little girl's 4 year old sister. It was heart wrenching to hear the little girl crying, screaming and pleading for help. I believe this girl was 6.
The second one that made me cry was one of the 911 calls from a teacher during the columbine shooting. She survived but at one point all you hear are gun shots and someone screaming. Not only was this hard to hear but it brought back memories for me on that day.
You see, that day I was working at a Subway that was the second closest (I believe) to the high school. People and a few kids that I guess were on their lunch came in saying they couldn't get to the other Subway because streets were blocked off and there were lots of cop cars. I think there was a little traffic where we were due to things being blocked off around the school. Later that night on the news, I heard the reason why. My heart broke. It also reminded me that at any second of the day, something horrific is going on in someone's life while we are just going about our day. It also made me feel thankful and wanted to hug my kids even more because you just never know.
The other one I heard was the mass shooting at the Aurora theater. As someone was talking to the operator, you can hear nothing but gun shots in the background. It isn't hard to image the people scrambling, hiding and getting shot. I think this one hit me the hardest.
I know exactly where that theater is and have gone there before. At the time, I didn't live close to it but close enough to go there if I wanted. At one point after the incident, I did move just minutes from there and went there a lot once it re-opened. Going there for the first for me after it happened was heartbreaking.
One of my sons was a big movie goer and almost went there that night but when a couple of friends decided not to go, the plans were just canceled (he didn't drive at the time so he had to rely on his friends with cars). I thank god that he didn't go. It's crazy to think that these days you can't go anywhere without some kind of worry if someone is going to shoot up a place.
I don't know how the 911 operators do it. It must be one of the toughest jobs. To sit there and listen to something being played out and all they can do is try to keep the person on the other end calm while they try to remain calm themselves. It wouldn't surprise me if they need counseling to help get them through the day without being seriously depressed and stressed. No wonder there is a shortage of operators, it takes a certain kind of strength to have to deal with that. It doesn't include the ones who call for no reason, who are drunk and when someone decided to be an ass to them. The operators don't get enough credit and recognition that they deserve.
I'm sure I will listen to other 911 calls and continue to ask myself why. I guess it can't help put things in perspective when listening to them. We should always be thankful for what we have, treat each other with respect and tell someone that you love them because you just never know when tragedy will strike.
911 calls,
911 operators,
shootings abuse
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