We have come a long way in life with excepting other people's differences. Some of those progresses include allowing women to vote and having them earn a living as well, blacks have rights, mixed marriages are legal (although sometimes still looked down on) and now the LGTB community have their rights to marry and so on. Other countries are slowly stepping up. This is all great and I hope I live to see every country have equal rights and marriage.
With the LGTB community getting more accepted, other things/people still get looked down upon. It not only boggles my mind that we CARE SO MUCH what goes on behind closed doors of other people's lives. Just because we don't understand something, don't agree or it's not for us, some of us think its wrong, disgusting and nobody should ever do it.
In this blog I want to break down other groups and talk about it. These things should be talked about instead of being hidden and stop being made to feel like these things/lifestyles are bad and dirty. I hate labels. I hate that we have to use them and that we feel the need to label everything and everyone. I am starting to realize that EVERYTHING has a label of some sort and we do need them to describe something or someone. So listed below is everything I can think of and I talk a little about each one. To get everything out there and to make us really think about things.
Genders - People who are born (yes born) a certain way, feel a certain way towards another and feel about themselves.
Gay/Lesbian - Same sex relationships. There are so many different reasons why some people don't support this. We are well on our way for this being accepted but we still have a lot of work to do. We have had ingrained in our heads that it's one man, one woman.
Straight - Obvious, opposite sex relationships. Still to a lot of people, this is normal.
Bi-Sexual - One can fall in love with either sex. The issues are the same as gay/lesbian. There are some issues though that they that gays don't. I keep seeing that bi's tend to get a little more hate for different reasons.
Transgender - When one feels like they are in the wrong body. This is some ways falls under the same as the other but I think there is more issues with this. It seems like some people have a harder time understanding transgender and they are having issues with marriage and stuff like what restrooms to use and when filling out paper work that ask for gender. They can feel even more isolated than bi and gays because it's harder for them to fit in to either sex especially if they haven't had surgeries. I can't imagine what it's like to have feelings of being in the wrong body and to have people look at you funny. There is still a longer ways to go for the trans community.
Lifestyle Choices - People who for some reason like/love what they like/love and choose to do. I guess in some way they too are born this way because one can never know WHY they like or hate something, they just do. At the same time, it's also a choice.
Porn - Watching scripted sex on the web, DVD's, stories and photos of naked people. So many people have issues with this and think pron is dirty and degrading. I don't understand why. It's just sex. There is nothing wrong with sex. There is nothing wrong with the human body. If one wants to show it off in photos, who are we to say no. Sex is enjoyable and some love to have to have it often so why not make money from it? It's not degrading at all. It's providing entertainment and sometimes helps couples explore different things to spice up their sex lives. As long as the adults making the videos consent, use protection and are treated well, there is nothing degrading or wrong. Nobody is making people watch it. I just don't know why this is considered dirty and wrong. Women are not being used as sex objects just like men are not being used as sex objects.
Stripping - For some reason this is another "dirty" thing. It seems to be more ok for men to strip than it is for women to strip but it's more of a secret for women to enjoy strippers (male or female) than it is for males to enjoy it. Men think women go ridiculously nuts at male strippers but yet they can get pretty bad themselves. Women get to strip all the way but guys can only strip down to their g-strings. First, again it's not degrading for women to strip. If men can do it, so can women. There is nothing wrong with at it all. Men like looking at women and women like looking at men. It's human nature for us so why not let there be money made from it? The only things I find wrong is that how some women get treated in the industry and that men can't strip all the way down. It's just bull. People shouldn't be ashamed for stripping and it really shouldn't be looked down on. If one doesn't like it, do go to one.
Posing Nude - This can be for art, for some kind of advertisement (books, advertise a sex toy etc) or just entertainment. Again, we like to look at the human naked body whether we want to admit it or not. It's in our nature. There is nothing wrong with it one bit. The human body can be an art form. This is also looked as dirty for some reason. If men do it, it's ok but if women do it, it's wrong. I will never understand this way of thinking. It really isn't right. If it's good for one sex, it's good for the other.
Sex For Money - Hookers/prostitutes, call girls etc. There are different names if this type of business and a lot of people see it as dirty and wrong. Nevada is the only state where it's legal (at least in some parts). I don't see why it can't be legal in other places. If it was, things can be more controlled. Women wouldn't be abused by their pimps, the drugs and STD's would be controlled so much better, overall, it would be better for women (and men) if it's was legal and controlled. It's not degrading either. Yes there are better jobs out there but sometimes it's very very difficult to get those jobs even with a good education. Sometimes life happens and one must do something to make money even for short term. Yes some get into it that wish they weren't but if it was a better environment and was to keep their money, they might feel a little better and could use the money they get to make their life better. This being another dirty secret doesn't help. It is up to everyone to decide what they want to do with their own bodies and they shouldn't be looked down upon for it. It's not shameful. The taxes from it could also help our states. We need to stop making this a dirty thing and make it legal everywhere and more safe for the women that do it.
Sex Toys - This is a hidden dirty secret that a lot of people feel ashamed about and feel they need to hide their sex toys (maybe not for all but enough). I don't get this either. Sex toys are not a dirty thing. It helps bring excitement and if one one doesn't have a partner, well there are toys to help satisfy yourself. Yet if someone was to find out that someone has them, it's looked at as gross and or weird.
Masturbation - Yes someone doesn't need to go around and talk about what they do to please themselves or if they do it but why is it shameful? Why do we make it to be so dirty? It feels good to have that sexual pleasure and if you don't have a partner or just can't find someone to have sex with, why not give yourself that release? Our bodies need that release (if we are not A sexual). Plus, it's good to know your body and what you like. Just about everyone does it so why is it dirty?
Lifestyles - People who are born this way and really feel about what they do. It's a need not a want in their life and they can't change it just like how one can't change their who they love (LGTB).
BDSM - I won't go too deep into this since I wrote a blog about it already. This is kinky sex/play: spanking, blindfold, restraints/tie up, needle play, wax play, and so many other things. So many look down on this kind of thing. They think it's wrong, abuse and disgusting behavior. I think this needs to be talked about more because there is nothing wrong doing kinky things to bring pleasure. Some things I don't understand how someone can get into a head-space by certain things but who am I to judge.
Pan-Sexual - When someone doesn't care the gender of someone, they can love any gender. This could also be in the genders. They see themselves for who they are but their love for someone has no gender. Male, female, trans; they don't care.
Polyandrous -When someone is in love or has a certain love for more than one person; a relationship with more than one person basically. Yes people can be born this way too. It's not a choice. People fall in love with more than one person and it doesn't make it the love any less. This isn't for anybody but if people are in this kind of relationship, there is nothing wrong as long as everyone agrees with it and there are no secrets etc.
Poly-Sexual- This is like polyandrous but isn't so focus on the relationship part as much. "Polysexuality is the attraction to multiple genders and/or sexes. A polysexual person is one "encompassing or characterized by many different kinds of sexuality."
Open Relationships - When a couple decides to date other people but still be involved with each other. I've heard different reasons why some couples do this. This doesn't work for everyone but I guess for some it does.
Monogamous - When someone wants to be with only one person at a time. This is considered to be the "normal" way of life yet there are too many cheaters.
Polygamy - When a man has more than one wife. This usually happens in religions. I think the only ones I see to be a bad thing is when they are in cults but consider to be religious and have abuse and controlling going on (like the FLDS). If everyone consents and there are no abuse and controlling going on, I don't see what they issue is.
A Sexual - When people are not interested in sex at all with anybody. I'm sure people that are A sexual get a lot of heat. Like any other person, they can't help what they are not into. They are who they are.
Swingers - When couples hook up with other couples. I'm sure there are different ways it happens like all four people together, they just switches partners for a night or whatever it is they agree on. I guess this would be more of lifestyle choices. I'm not sure. I haven't done much research on this (mostly due to personal reasons). Whether it's an actual choice or it's just who they are. I still don't see what the harm is if everyone consents to it. There's nothing wrong with it one bit.
All of these things/people get looked down upon for some reason. What's wrong is judging people for who they are. We as humans can't help what we like or are into, it's just the way we are born. Just because some may not agree or like it, doesn't make it wrong or disgusting. I am sure there are other lifestyles out there that I didn't list but that doesn't mean it's less important.
We need to not just fight for LGTB, but for everyone who is different than the "average" person. Every single person deserves to be happy and to live their life without judgement. If you really think about it, there is a little bit of these things already inside of all of us. There are just some that are more into certain things than others. We may never know why some people are into certain things or are a certain way; the brain is a very mysterious thing. There is one thing I do know and that's that we are born the way we are period. The only thing that we are not born with is prejudice, hate and with judgement. Those things are taught to us. It's about time we are free as humans with no fear to be ourselves.
These things will never lead to sex with animals, sex or marriage to kids, our kids won't be harmed by these things. Marriage won't and can't be harmed either, only cheating, abuse, divorce etc destroys marriages. Religion doesn't play apart in these things either especially since everyone has a different belief. Man brought religion into everything to try and justify how they live and what they believe. I could go more into this but I won't. I just think it's about time we start talking everything that's out there and be more open about life. Stop the hate and lets be free to be who we really are.
Monday, July 6, 2015
Thursday, May 21, 2015
The Wiz, Star Wars & Superman - The 3 Movies That Blew Me Away
A lot of people talk about how that one movie they saw when they were a kid, made an impact in their lives in some way or just blew them away. There are three movies that blew me away when I first saw them. They didn't really change me, I just got lost in them and made me go "WOW".
The Wiz - My dad is a huge Diana Ross and old Motown fan. I grew up listening to them including Michael Jackson. He found out they re-made 'The Wizard Of Oz' with all black cast called 'The Wiz'. A lot of famous people are in that movie including Diana Ross and Michael Jackson. Knowing I was into MJ, my dad and mom took me to see the movie in theaters. I got lost in the movie and was blown away by the performances everyone did. This was also when I found out MJ was real. I can't believe I'm about to admit this but when I was a kid and MJ's album 'Off The Wall' came out, I didn't think he was real. I have no clue why I thought weird things like this but I did. I thought it was somebody else singing pretending to be MJ. Anyways, I thought the movie and acting was very powerful. The parts with the munchkins dancing and towards the end when everyone was singing 'Brand new day', I wanted to dance like they were. The wicked witch was a little scary for me but my dad made it less scary with some words. During the start when Dorthy was introduced, I knew how she was feeling and during the end during the very powerful performance by Diana Ross, It made me cry and still does. Till' this day, I think that was her best performance ever. I still love the movie just as much as when I first saw it and I still get some of those same feelings I did when I was a kid.
Star Wars #4 - My dad was friends with this guy who had a couple of kids that would visit him almost every weekend. This guy lived in the same apartments as we did. I have been to the movies with them a few times. I think this was the first time I went with them. When I first heard about it, I didn't think I would like it. Boy was I wrong. Once again I was lost in the movie and amazed at what was in front of me. I never saw special effects like that, C3PO and R2D2 were funny and I had a crush on Chewy. Yes I said it. I was a little, what do you expect? lol I just feel in love with the movie. I ended up get the album soundtrack but when I got older, I got rid of it! I'm kicking myself now for doing that. I also had a Darth Vader action figure but I chewed on the lightsaber till it was almost nothing. I really was a weird kid. Now, I still love the movies (4, 5 and 6). I like episodes 1, 2 and 3 but they don't do it for me like the older ones. Part of it is a childhood thing. I am such a nerd and want 'Star Wars' toys. I do have a 32" Darth Vader and a potato head Vader. I need more :P I can't wait for the new one.
Superman - I didn't see this in theaters but I wish I did. My parents went to a friends house and took me with them. They were about to watch the 'Superman' movie on tv. It was the first time it was shown on tv. I didn't know about comic books but I did watch the Spider-Man cartoon on tv every weekend, the Batman tv show and Superfriends. At first I was kinda bored but when Lois fell out of the helicopter and Superman saved her, I was hooked. I thought Christopher Reeve was handsome with those blue eyes. I still think he is/was. Now that I am older, I see the wrong things in any Superman movie/tv but I still very much enjoy them. That night what I thought would be a boring night, turn into a very entertaining one.
These movie are awesome classics. They didn't change my life but I was very much fascinated with them. 'The Wiz' was the closest that made me feel the things I was feeling in my life at the time so I guess it made me feel like I wasn't alone. Even though the other two didn't touch me emotionally like 'The Wiz', they are still a big part of my life in other ways.
Monday, April 27, 2015
What The Hell Is Wrong With This World?
I think as I read more and more articles or even just see the headlines, I become more and more disgusted with society. I realize when I was growing up, it was hard to see the world around me for different reasons but I did watch the news sometimes and I never heard about some of the things that I hear about today. Part of it is due to having the web which makes news things easier to read/see and for people to show their true colors.
Schools - I keep hearing so many different things about them and yet no matter how hard they try, issues are not being fixed. It's disgusting to see/hear how a school suspends a kid for something really stupid, bullying doesn't get dealt with in the right manner, teachers (some) are just as bad when it comes to bullying and so on. When did our schools become so judgmental? Aren't they supposed to help kids? Why are they trying to teach our kids crap that should only be taught in college? Why do they spend money on crap so there isn't enough for kids and teachers? When is someone going to REALLY fix these issues?
Lifestyles - Why are we so concerned about this? What does it matter to use if someone decides to live their life a certain way that doesn't effect us? We are we so quick to judge and fight over things that don't matter? I'm glad people are not so afraid to talk about certain things anymore. But the more we talk about certain lifestyles, the more negative crap comes out. It seems like every time we don't understand something, the claws come out and people are called names and so on. What happened to love, respect and let others be? I'm not just talking about the LGTB community. This goes for any life style. The second we think something is disgusting, we think it's wrong and judge others yet we get pissed if someone judges us for something.
Religion - This is a big part. It seems like because of this thing called religion, we are fighting over the most stupid things. Because of this, there is war, terrorism, "war on Christmas" and so many other things. People (when I say stuff like this, I don't mean all people, just the ones that do these things) tend to use their religion for everything; their choices, how they treat/judge others and anything else in their life. It's like they can't have a mind of their own and come up with their own thoughts and feelings about things. It's like they are too afraid too. They think because this is how their life should be lived, that everyone needs to do the same. I just don't get this.
Racism - Why does this still exist? Why do we continue to judge someone by the color of their skin? We are all human. We are all the same. Yes different cultures and race can behave differently but that doesn't mean we need to judge people or a group of people without knowing them personally. Not every is in the same in cultures and race. I will never get this.
The Race Card - Some people automatically play the race card when something happens. Why go there? Things happen because they happen. If someone is an ass then gets treated the same way, it's because that one person was being ass. If someone doesn't get their way it's because of their race. Someone gets hurt or killed, it's because of their race. Really? The stupid plays a big part in all of this but how they say things and what they say. It's disgusting behavior.
Shootings (mostly in schools) - Bad things happened when my generation was in school but nothing like today. It's weird; in the 70's, 80's and before, kids didn't have numbers to call, places to go etc when they needed someone to listen to them and when they felt bad and yet we got through it. Yes there was your crimes, drugs etc but nothing like today. Today, kids have different numbers to call when they need to talk, more choices of where to go when they need help, positive songs and other ways to deal with the bad in life; yet we hear about school shootings. Why is it with more things to help people who need it, instead of using them, they shoot?
I will never understand these things. Love, respect and understanding is so much better than hate and violence. I'm not a hippie, it just makes more sense.
Schools - I keep hearing so many different things about them and yet no matter how hard they try, issues are not being fixed. It's disgusting to see/hear how a school suspends a kid for something really stupid, bullying doesn't get dealt with in the right manner, teachers (some) are just as bad when it comes to bullying and so on. When did our schools become so judgmental? Aren't they supposed to help kids? Why are they trying to teach our kids crap that should only be taught in college? Why do they spend money on crap so there isn't enough for kids and teachers? When is someone going to REALLY fix these issues?
Lifestyles - Why are we so concerned about this? What does it matter to use if someone decides to live their life a certain way that doesn't effect us? We are we so quick to judge and fight over things that don't matter? I'm glad people are not so afraid to talk about certain things anymore. But the more we talk about certain lifestyles, the more negative crap comes out. It seems like every time we don't understand something, the claws come out and people are called names and so on. What happened to love, respect and let others be? I'm not just talking about the LGTB community. This goes for any life style. The second we think something is disgusting, we think it's wrong and judge others yet we get pissed if someone judges us for something.
Religion - This is a big part. It seems like because of this thing called religion, we are fighting over the most stupid things. Because of this, there is war, terrorism, "war on Christmas" and so many other things. People (when I say stuff like this, I don't mean all people, just the ones that do these things) tend to use their religion for everything; their choices, how they treat/judge others and anything else in their life. It's like they can't have a mind of their own and come up with their own thoughts and feelings about things. It's like they are too afraid too. They think because this is how their life should be lived, that everyone needs to do the same. I just don't get this.
Racism - Why does this still exist? Why do we continue to judge someone by the color of their skin? We are all human. We are all the same. Yes different cultures and race can behave differently but that doesn't mean we need to judge people or a group of people without knowing them personally. Not every is in the same in cultures and race. I will never get this.
The Race Card - Some people automatically play the race card when something happens. Why go there? Things happen because they happen. If someone is an ass then gets treated the same way, it's because that one person was being ass. If someone doesn't get their way it's because of their race. Someone gets hurt or killed, it's because of their race. Really? The stupid plays a big part in all of this but how they say things and what they say. It's disgusting behavior.
Shootings (mostly in schools) - Bad things happened when my generation was in school but nothing like today. It's weird; in the 70's, 80's and before, kids didn't have numbers to call, places to go etc when they needed someone to listen to them and when they felt bad and yet we got through it. Yes there was your crimes, drugs etc but nothing like today. Today, kids have different numbers to call when they need to talk, more choices of where to go when they need help, positive songs and other ways to deal with the bad in life; yet we hear about school shootings. Why is it with more things to help people who need it, instead of using them, they shoot?
I will never understand these things. Love, respect and understanding is so much better than hate and violence. I'm not a hippie, it just makes more sense.
Sunday, April 12, 2015
A Joke - Mr. Frog
I don't remember where I got this joke from since it's been a long time but I thought I would share it sine it's pretty funny
Once upon a time there was a frog who lived in a lake all by himself. He had been given special powers by a local witch.
One day he finally ventured out of the lake to get his first glimpse of the world outside.
The first thing he saw was a bear chasing a rabbit and so he called out to them and asked them to stop. Then he said to them, "I am a magical frog and since you are the first two animals I have ever seen, I am going to grant you both three wishes. You'll each take turns using them and you have to use them now."
The bear (being greedy) went first, "I would like for every bear in this forest to be female except for me."
A magical sound and it was done.
Then the rabbit, "I would like a helmet."
This confused both the frog and the bear but after a magical sound, there was a helmet.
It was the bear's turn again. "I would like for every bear in the neighboring forest to be female."
A magical sound and it was done.
The rabbit went again, "I would like a motorcycle."
Both the frog and the bear wondered why the rabbit didn't just ask for a lot of money with which he could buy himself a motorcycle but after awhile there was a magical sound and there was a motorcycle.
The bear took his last wish. "I would like for all the bears in the world to be female except for me."
A magical sound and it was done.
The rabbit then put on his helmet, started up the motorcycle and said "I wish the bear was gay." and took off like a bat out of hell
Once upon a time there was a frog who lived in a lake all by himself. He had been given special powers by a local witch.
One day he finally ventured out of the lake to get his first glimpse of the world outside.
The first thing he saw was a bear chasing a rabbit and so he called out to them and asked them to stop. Then he said to them, "I am a magical frog and since you are the first two animals I have ever seen, I am going to grant you both three wishes. You'll each take turns using them and you have to use them now."
The bear (being greedy) went first, "I would like for every bear in this forest to be female except for me."
A magical sound and it was done.
Then the rabbit, "I would like a helmet."
This confused both the frog and the bear but after a magical sound, there was a helmet.
It was the bear's turn again. "I would like for every bear in the neighboring forest to be female."
A magical sound and it was done.
The rabbit went again, "I would like a motorcycle."
Both the frog and the bear wondered why the rabbit didn't just ask for a lot of money with which he could buy himself a motorcycle but after awhile there was a magical sound and there was a motorcycle.
The bear took his last wish. "I would like for all the bears in the world to be female except for me."
A magical sound and it was done.
The rabbit then put on his helmet, started up the motorcycle and said "I wish the bear was gay." and took off like a bat out of hell
Saturday, March 14, 2015
To Keep A Baby Or Not...
So I am finally catching up on 'The Walking Dead'. I'm on season 2 right now and a question came up that got me thinking and wondering what would I do.
A character found out that she is pregnant. She tried to take some morning after pills but threw them up by choice. Her husband found the pills and they got into an argument. She is still thinking about trying to get rid of it while he wants to keep it.
So the question is: In the middle of a zombie apocalypse where humans are scarce, no medical treatments are available, hardly any meds, hardly any safe shelter (if any really), always fighting for your life, every sound draws them near; do you keep the baby or not if you (or your partner) ends up pregnant?
In a normal situation, I personally wouldn't have an abortion unless the baby's life was in critical danger. I don't judge when others do it but this is my choice. If there is a zombie apocalypse, technically the baby's life would be in constant critical danger. Every time it cries, it would run a risk of drawing the zombies in. It will need medical help at some point and there wouldn't be any. Food and water would be scarce. You would always be on the run even if you found a "stable" place to stay (you will still be at risk especially when going out for supplies). You also don't know if there is a cure or if there will ever be one.
To keep the human race going, one needs to have babies but would this be a safe environment to raise a kid and would it be worth it? How could one raise a kid like that? On the other hand, there could still be a chance of survival for the human race and for the baby.
This is a really hard choice for me (thank God I don't have to actually make it) and I really don't know what I would want to do. I can strongly see both sides to this and both are very good arguments and would apply to any kind of end of the world/apocalypse. This is one decision I would not want to make and hope I never have to.
A character found out that she is pregnant. She tried to take some morning after pills but threw them up by choice. Her husband found the pills and they got into an argument. She is still thinking about trying to get rid of it while he wants to keep it.
So the question is: In the middle of a zombie apocalypse where humans are scarce, no medical treatments are available, hardly any meds, hardly any safe shelter (if any really), always fighting for your life, every sound draws them near; do you keep the baby or not if you (or your partner) ends up pregnant?
In a normal situation, I personally wouldn't have an abortion unless the baby's life was in critical danger. I don't judge when others do it but this is my choice. If there is a zombie apocalypse, technically the baby's life would be in constant critical danger. Every time it cries, it would run a risk of drawing the zombies in. It will need medical help at some point and there wouldn't be any. Food and water would be scarce. You would always be on the run even if you found a "stable" place to stay (you will still be at risk especially when going out for supplies). You also don't know if there is a cure or if there will ever be one.
To keep the human race going, one needs to have babies but would this be a safe environment to raise a kid and would it be worth it? How could one raise a kid like that? On the other hand, there could still be a chance of survival for the human race and for the baby.
This is a really hard choice for me (thank God I don't have to actually make it) and I really don't know what I would want to do. I can strongly see both sides to this and both are very good arguments and would apply to any kind of end of the world/apocalypse. This is one decision I would not want to make and hope I never have to.
Friday, February 13, 2015
50 Shades Of Grey/BDSM
I want to address some of the things people are saying about the book/movie of 50 shades. I know I shouldn't read negative comments but sometimes I do. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and feelings but I wish some of those people would learn about something before they speak and stop putting down things/others just because they don't get it or don't agree.
A lot of the things are hear are some of the same type of things (lets see if I can remember them):
1) It's not BDSM, it's abuse
2) BDSM is abuse
3) it's degrading to women
4) it glorifies abuse etc
5) it's rape
6) BDSM is not like that
7) he is controlling
8) people who are into this stuff have issues & are sick
9) there must be lack of sex or sex is boring for women to like this
10) why not just watch porn, it's better.
Here are my responses:
1) It is BDSM and not abuse. The BDSM may be vanilla in the movie but it's BDSM.
2) BDSM IS NOT abuse. Some people really enjoy certain things. As long as both people consent, it's not abuse even if marks are left. Some people enjoy that and there is NOTHING wrong with it.
3) no, it's not degrading to women.
4) It doesn't glorify abuse because there isn't any. What I don't get is, if there is actual abuse going on in a movie (especially a paranormal one), nobody bats an eye. The second a movie about bondage comes out, everyone acts like it's evil and horrible.
5) he never rapes her. Everything he does to her, she consents to. If he forced her to do things or if she said no but he did it anyways, then it would be rape. None of that happens.
6) real BDSM may not be exactly like it is in the movie but from what I know, it's vanilla BDSM.
7) yes he can be a little controlling but that is what being a Dom and a sub is, the Dom tells the sub what to do and the sub does it. The thing is, everything is talked about so they know what the limits are etc etc. If the sub flat out doesn't want to do something, she (or even he) can say so and make it not happen.
8) people who are into this stuff are not sick and there is nothing wrong with it at all. Of course there are some that have some kind of issues, after all they are human too. You can't group all of a type of person and say they are all like a certain way because it's not true. It can be hard to understand why someone would want to get beaten etc but unless you are them or have tried something yourself, you will never get it. It doesn't mean something is wrong with people if they are into BDSM just because it's misunderstood.
9) for some women they might have a lack of sex or are bored in the bedroom but that is not the case for all. What is wrong with spicing up a sex life? The same old thing can be boring. If men can watch porn, why can't women watch their "porn"?
10) pron is not better than this movie. Pron is boring because there is no storyline and the acting sucks. It might be great for some (mostly men) but not for all. Why is there always a double standard when it comes to certain things?
BDSM has a bad wrap. It is looked down upon. People think it's sick and twisted, dirty (in a bad way), degrading, abusive and whatever else people throw out there. I really wish some people would have an open mind and stop saying how something is wrong just because they don't like it and don't understand it. I think it's a good thing that this movie is out, it gets people talking about it. People need to understand that it doesn't have to be this dirty little secret and shouldn't be ashamed if they are into certain things. Why do we have to be so afraid of things and refuse to have an open mind?
BDSM is not for everyone and that's fine. It does work for some and they shouldn't have to be ashamed by it or keep it so hush hush. There is a difference between abuse and BDSM. One is done out of anger, to punish (for real), causing real harm and there is no consent. The other is done with consent, no anger, with trust, communicate and to bring pleasure.
There are some things that people do that I will NEVER understand and find bizarre but who am I to judge them because it pleasures them? I think there needs to be more talk about stuff like this just so people can stop being ashamed for it and so others can see that there is nothing wrong with it (there will always be the few that think it is). It goes on more than you think. You know when you give your partner a slap on the ass for fun? That's BDSM even if it's a small playful smack. It's a form of it. Most of us do that without thinking about it. Oh and just because someone likes a plesure beating, doesn't mean they will like a hurtful beating etc. There is a difference. One is controlled and done with a trusting person. The other is done with a lack of trust and not controlled.
BDSM - it's a form of play, not abuse. Don't like it? Don't do it but don't make others feel ashamed for doing things they enjoy.
A lot of the things are hear are some of the same type of things (lets see if I can remember them):
1) It's not BDSM, it's abuse
2) BDSM is abuse
3) it's degrading to women
4) it glorifies abuse etc
5) it's rape
6) BDSM is not like that
7) he is controlling
8) people who are into this stuff have issues & are sick
9) there must be lack of sex or sex is boring for women to like this
10) why not just watch porn, it's better.
Here are my responses:
1) It is BDSM and not abuse. The BDSM may be vanilla in the movie but it's BDSM.
2) BDSM IS NOT abuse. Some people really enjoy certain things. As long as both people consent, it's not abuse even if marks are left. Some people enjoy that and there is NOTHING wrong with it.
3) no, it's not degrading to women.
4) It doesn't glorify abuse because there isn't any. What I don't get is, if there is actual abuse going on in a movie (especially a paranormal one), nobody bats an eye. The second a movie about bondage comes out, everyone acts like it's evil and horrible.
5) he never rapes her. Everything he does to her, she consents to. If he forced her to do things or if she said no but he did it anyways, then it would be rape. None of that happens.
6) real BDSM may not be exactly like it is in the movie but from what I know, it's vanilla BDSM.
7) yes he can be a little controlling but that is what being a Dom and a sub is, the Dom tells the sub what to do and the sub does it. The thing is, everything is talked about so they know what the limits are etc etc. If the sub flat out doesn't want to do something, she (or even he) can say so and make it not happen.
8) people who are into this stuff are not sick and there is nothing wrong with it at all. Of course there are some that have some kind of issues, after all they are human too. You can't group all of a type of person and say they are all like a certain way because it's not true. It can be hard to understand why someone would want to get beaten etc but unless you are them or have tried something yourself, you will never get it. It doesn't mean something is wrong with people if they are into BDSM just because it's misunderstood.
9) for some women they might have a lack of sex or are bored in the bedroom but that is not the case for all. What is wrong with spicing up a sex life? The same old thing can be boring. If men can watch porn, why can't women watch their "porn"?
10) pron is not better than this movie. Pron is boring because there is no storyline and the acting sucks. It might be great for some (mostly men) but not for all. Why is there always a double standard when it comes to certain things?
BDSM has a bad wrap. It is looked down upon. People think it's sick and twisted, dirty (in a bad way), degrading, abusive and whatever else people throw out there. I really wish some people would have an open mind and stop saying how something is wrong just because they don't like it and don't understand it. I think it's a good thing that this movie is out, it gets people talking about it. People need to understand that it doesn't have to be this dirty little secret and shouldn't be ashamed if they are into certain things. Why do we have to be so afraid of things and refuse to have an open mind?
BDSM is not for everyone and that's fine. It does work for some and they shouldn't have to be ashamed by it or keep it so hush hush. There is a difference between abuse and BDSM. One is done out of anger, to punish (for real), causing real harm and there is no consent. The other is done with consent, no anger, with trust, communicate and to bring pleasure.
There are some things that people do that I will NEVER understand and find bizarre but who am I to judge them because it pleasures them? I think there needs to be more talk about stuff like this just so people can stop being ashamed for it and so others can see that there is nothing wrong with it (there will always be the few that think it is). It goes on more than you think. You know when you give your partner a slap on the ass for fun? That's BDSM even if it's a small playful smack. It's a form of it. Most of us do that without thinking about it. Oh and just because someone likes a plesure beating, doesn't mean they will like a hurtful beating etc. There is a difference. One is controlled and done with a trusting person. The other is done with a lack of trust and not controlled.
BDSM - it's a form of play, not abuse. Don't like it? Don't do it but don't make others feel ashamed for doing things they enjoy.
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