Sunday, July 22, 2012

15 Years

15 years may seem a long time but it goes by so fast that it doesn't feel like a long time. It's weird how so many things can happen & change in a short time let alone a long time. I am bringing this up because next month I would be married for 15 years. Another thing that happened 15 years ago, Savage Garden hit the air waves with their hit songs including 'Truly Madly Deeply'.

With these two things & turning 40 next week, I have been thinking a lot about things. In 15 years I have gotten married,  my husband got custody of his kids, lost a baby at 3 weeks. I lost my grandma & Aunt in the same year & just a few months apart. Went from a crappy tiny apartment to owning a house & now loosing the house. Lost 4 businesses & filed for bankruptcy. Got my first dog (a yellow lab) and lost her 2 years ago. My husband & I have grown closer even through our ups & downs.

Then there is me personally. I went from being depressed & just floating through life to realizing that I was depressed, why & trying to fix it. Putting myself out there & made a few friends in other states. Making mistakes, feeling things I never felt before, discovering myself. Trying to accept myself & continuing to grow & push myself even at 40. 

I have interacted with my longest crush Donnie Wahlberg, have experienced a new adventure being a Darren Hayes fan. These 2 things have also helped me in discovering myself & trying to overcome things. Who would have thought 15 yrs ago that I or anybody for that matter could interact with people from around the world in real time including people you admire. 

These past 15 yrs have had a lot of ups & downs but I am still standing. Watching my step-sons grow & seeing my sister get married. So much has happened & sometimes blows my mind. I can't wait to see what life has to bring me in the next 15 yrs & beyond. 

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Misc History: The Hula Hoop

When I was a kid, I used to love the hula hoop. I would be able to do it on my neck, arm, waist & I think around my foot. Now I probably couldn't do it but oh the fun. I know they still make them but they are not as popular along with other older toys & that's a shame. I was curious to how the hula hoop became to be. It's pretty simple really but here is what I found.

In 1957, wood rings were being made & sold in retail stores in Australia. This caught the attention of a toy company called Wham-o ( I remember that brand).

In 1958, Richard P. Knerr & Arthur K. Melin from the Wham-o company out out plastic colored hoops & it has been in our lives ever since. Some people can do some amazing things with the hula hoop. Now they have ones that light up creating amazing lights when done in the dark.

So that is how the hula hoop came into our lives. But what about the past? I mean the idea had to come from somewhere. Here is that history.

It is known that 1000 B.C., kids in Egypt would play with circular hoops from grape vines & stiff grass. A stick was also used to move it along the ground. 

In the 14th century, it was called 'hooping'. Apparently some people got hurt with dislocated backs & heart attacks from hooping. The word 'hula' came into place for the toy in the 1800's when British sailors went to the Hawaiian islands & saw that hula dancing was like hooping. 

When Knerr & Melin created them for their company, they would take them to playgrounds, show them what to do & gave the kids a free hula hoop. It caught on & they made millions. 

I find it interesting how things are created & that something some simple catches on & people make millions from it. Now why can't I do that? lol I got my info from this site:

A skimmed another site that pretty much said the same thing, just not in so much detail. I am working on doing the history of view masters. There is a lot of info & I am in the middle of other things but hope I can get to it soon. :) Thanks for taking the time to read my blog.