Hey everyone. It's hard to believe that I have been married for 14 yrs already. Time really does go by fast. My marriage is better than ever. Or coarse we have our days just like any couple and marriage but talking, laughter and respect are key things to make any relationship work and that is what we have. I have an awesome hubby even though there are times he drives me crazy. I am so lucky to have him in my life. I can't wait to spend many more years with him.
Since we don't have the book store, I was hoping we could actual do something today. We couldn't do what I would have liked which was go to something called Garden Of The Gods and 7 falls. One, the car isn't in good shape to be driving all that way (it's a long ass drive) and we didn't want to get stuck somewhere. Two, I slept in late because I haven't been getting enough sleep these past few days and three, we are still trying to figure out what is going on with the pizza place (I think I've blogged about it recently called end of one journey and start of another). We did however went to the comic book store that we love to go to (they have one of the cutest dogs) and we got some comics. My stack was bigger and I could have gotten a lot more since I am missing a lot of older issues. Then we went to McDonalds for lunch, saw 'Cowboys vs Aliens' (good movie by the way will blog about it in my review section)and then had dinner at TGI Fridays. I am so full.
That was my day. Even though we couldn't do exactly what I wanted, I am still glad I spent it with my hubby and that I have him by my side. That's all that matters.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Monday, August 8, 2011
Hearing and seeing the footage of the riots in London makes my heart break. It is so disturbing & I will never ever understand why people feel the need to do such a thing in any part of the world.
Protesting is so much safer and doesn't cause harm to others (mostly). I understand that some countries are not allowed to protest but if there are thousands and thousands protesting, it will be harder for them to do anything. Either way people may get arrested but innocent lives, business etc won't be destroyed. Rioting will do no good and will not prove anything. All that says is that you now have stooped down to their level.
Not only is it disturbing to see/ hear these riots but to also know that most (if not all) are really just for nothing. One of the things that really gets to me is when a police officer kills or seriously hurts someone and right away the victim is innocent. I realize officers are people too and can be racist and even do racist things. That still doesn't give ANYBODY the right to go and start these crazy riots just because someone thinks an officer did wrong or they hate officers. What really puzzles me is that these cop haters will spit out their comments etc until one day when they need or someone they love needs one. Then they are begging for help. Not every cop is bad just like not every white, black, Hispanic, gay, etc etc are bad. Not everyone is racist either. Officers actually have to use force however it might be sometimes to protect themselves and others. I would so like to see anyone who hates cops to try to be a cop for a day or two and see what it's really like. If you think a cop did wrong, protest in a good way & let the law handle it. They actually do investigations every time a cop uses force to make sure the cop wasn't out of line.
Then there's riots when sports teams win or even loose but mostly win. Tell me again how this is good celebrating? I realize drinking plays a part but still. You can party in the streets without destroying other people's property and causing fires.
Having riots because you need to fight for your rights in your country, for me I can understand this BUT it's still very wrong and innocent people get hurt in so many ways.
When it comes down to it, please people never riot. It's never good and nothing good will ever ever come from it. You won't be heard that way. You end up being the bad person. We humans can be so much better than this. All that EVER comes out of riots is innocent lives get hurt, people getting arrested, innocent people loosing their loved ones & their place of business. Think about it, would you want your loved one getting innocently hurt or loosing their business or home just because someone decided to use their anger & frustration towards them? No you wouldn't and in fact you would be wondering where the police are while it happened. The police will be to busy trying to control the riot. Another thing, if police ambulances etc are so busy trying to control riots, then if someone has a heart attack or some other real problem, there will be no one to help them. Again if it was your loved on in serious trouble, wouldn't you want an emergency person to help them out as fast as possible? You will wondering where they were when it's needed and get pissed because they were to busy trying to control the riot.
If you get pissed at something and want to be heard PROTEST PROTEST PROTEST, in a RESPECTFUL manner. Stop with this useless violence and hurting innocent people just because you want to be heard. You will be heard if it's done respectfully. That outcome from rioting is soooooo not worth it. Think before you act. This is not how to get things done.
Protesting is so much safer and doesn't cause harm to others (mostly). I understand that some countries are not allowed to protest but if there are thousands and thousands protesting, it will be harder for them to do anything. Either way people may get arrested but innocent lives, business etc won't be destroyed. Rioting will do no good and will not prove anything. All that says is that you now have stooped down to their level.
Not only is it disturbing to see/ hear these riots but to also know that most (if not all) are really just for nothing. One of the things that really gets to me is when a police officer kills or seriously hurts someone and right away the victim is innocent. I realize officers are people too and can be racist and even do racist things. That still doesn't give ANYBODY the right to go and start these crazy riots just because someone thinks an officer did wrong or they hate officers. What really puzzles me is that these cop haters will spit out their comments etc until one day when they need or someone they love needs one. Then they are begging for help. Not every cop is bad just like not every white, black, Hispanic, gay, etc etc are bad. Not everyone is racist either. Officers actually have to use force however it might be sometimes to protect themselves and others. I would so like to see anyone who hates cops to try to be a cop for a day or two and see what it's really like. If you think a cop did wrong, protest in a good way & let the law handle it. They actually do investigations every time a cop uses force to make sure the cop wasn't out of line.
Then there's riots when sports teams win or even loose but mostly win. Tell me again how this is good celebrating? I realize drinking plays a part but still. You can party in the streets without destroying other people's property and causing fires.
Having riots because you need to fight for your rights in your country, for me I can understand this BUT it's still very wrong and innocent people get hurt in so many ways.
When it comes down to it, please people never riot. It's never good and nothing good will ever ever come from it. You won't be heard that way. You end up being the bad person. We humans can be so much better than this. All that EVER comes out of riots is innocent lives get hurt, people getting arrested, innocent people loosing their loved ones & their place of business. Think about it, would you want your loved one getting innocently hurt or loosing their business or home just because someone decided to use their anger & frustration towards them? No you wouldn't and in fact you would be wondering where the police are while it happened. The police will be to busy trying to control the riot. Another thing, if police ambulances etc are so busy trying to control riots, then if someone has a heart attack or some other real problem, there will be no one to help them. Again if it was your loved on in serious trouble, wouldn't you want an emergency person to help them out as fast as possible? You will wondering where they were when it's needed and get pissed because they were to busy trying to control the riot.
If you get pissed at something and want to be heard PROTEST PROTEST PROTEST, in a RESPECTFUL manner. Stop with this useless violence and hurting innocent people just because you want to be heard. You will be heard if it's done respectfully. That outcome from rioting is soooooo not worth it. Think before you act. This is not how to get things done.
Darren Hayes New Album
It has been revealed, the album cover of Darren Hayes's upcoming album 'Secret Codes and Battleships'. I absolutely just love the cover. When I first saw it, I thought of Michael Jackson's 'Dangerous' album. It's full of color, has all kinds of different images together making one awesome cover.
When I saw the cover, I got all excited again for the album. I can't wait to hear what Darren has to say. Darren has a very unique voice. I love how he can do all these different ranges and has so much control. I just love it. He also knows how to put things into words when know one else can. Darren just has such amazing talent. I really hope this album soars everywhere. He truly deserves it. He puts so much hard work into everything he does.
Darren's talent is just one part of him. He is so down to earth, funny and sweet. Very interesting guy as well. I have never met him but I hope I get to some day and if/when I do, I really hope my shyness doesn't kick in or I become overwhelmed.
This has been an amazing journey. I didn't know about Darren's solo career to have been on the past rides (just thought after Savage Garden that was it, see past blog about my Darren journey 2009 Dec.). I love how Darren revealed everything. Sending out coded messages couple times a week having us trying to break the code. Whoever was the first one to guess each code, not only got recognition, but also got a canvas painting that went with the message. On the canvas was the message and on the back his signature. I was lucky enough to be one of the people to guess first. I never win things like this. Even if we didn't get anything, I still would have done it and been just as happy. I am also not to big on signatures simply because celebs are just people like us with really cool jobs. I do have to say though, the painting & message I won does mean a lot to me. I didn't think I would win one. Darren didn't have to do this and yet he did.
The vlogs Darren has been doing to take us along the journey have been awesome. Every little step that has been taken has been exciting and I am truly grateful for being able to be apart of it. The other fans that I have gotten to know has also been an awesome journey. I love getting to know everyone. This journey has also been helping me deal with my insecurities. I have a ways to go but have come along way. A big thank you to all the connections I have made. You know who you are.
Darren if you happen to read this, I would just like to say a very big thank you. I know I say it a lot and so do others but it's true. Thank you for taking time out of your day to go in the chats, interacting with us in other ways, sharing a part of you with us and just being so real with us. You're an awesome guy and truly deserve the best in life. Big love. XO
@tjt72 (or just tjt depending)
When I saw the cover, I got all excited again for the album. I can't wait to hear what Darren has to say. Darren has a very unique voice. I love how he can do all these different ranges and has so much control. I just love it. He also knows how to put things into words when know one else can. Darren just has such amazing talent. I really hope this album soars everywhere. He truly deserves it. He puts so much hard work into everything he does.
Darren's talent is just one part of him. He is so down to earth, funny and sweet. Very interesting guy as well. I have never met him but I hope I get to some day and if/when I do, I really hope my shyness doesn't kick in or I become overwhelmed.
This has been an amazing journey. I didn't know about Darren's solo career to have been on the past rides (just thought after Savage Garden that was it, see past blog about my Darren journey 2009 Dec.). I love how Darren revealed everything. Sending out coded messages couple times a week having us trying to break the code. Whoever was the first one to guess each code, not only got recognition, but also got a canvas painting that went with the message. On the canvas was the message and on the back his signature. I was lucky enough to be one of the people to guess first. I never win things like this. Even if we didn't get anything, I still would have done it and been just as happy. I am also not to big on signatures simply because celebs are just people like us with really cool jobs. I do have to say though, the painting & message I won does mean a lot to me. I didn't think I would win one. Darren didn't have to do this and yet he did.
The vlogs Darren has been doing to take us along the journey have been awesome. Every little step that has been taken has been exciting and I am truly grateful for being able to be apart of it. The other fans that I have gotten to know has also been an awesome journey. I love getting to know everyone. This journey has also been helping me deal with my insecurities. I have a ways to go but have come along way. A big thank you to all the connections I have made. You know who you are.
Darren if you happen to read this, I would just like to say a very big thank you. I know I say it a lot and so do others but it's true. Thank you for taking time out of your day to go in the chats, interacting with us in other ways, sharing a part of you with us and just being so real with us. You're an awesome guy and truly deserve the best in life. Big love. XO
@tjt72 (or just tjt depending)
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
End Of One Journey, Start Of Another
So much has been going on this month, especially this weekend. Having the book store has been a blast. Lost of hard work, some lazy days, tiring, some struggles but still had fun (even dealing with the lazy people and the kids destroying the kids area to no end). Last year we got a little behind during the really slow periods and expected to get caught up in Dec. When Dec. came, we did not do holiday sales which made it hard to get things caught up. We were working on it and even told the mall people that during the summer, we would have everything caught up. They agreed to let us do this. Our sales started to pick up especially in June. We were hitting record sales. Apartments are being built right across from where the store is ad couldn't wait to get business from there as well. Then we got the news.
We were told someone else wanted our spot and we needed to move. The people that want our spot can and will obviously be able to pay more rent than we can. We could have just moved to another spot in the mall but all of the empty spaces are not built. Meaning, there is an outer shell but inside the walls, floors, widows, doors etc are not there. Completely hollow. We so don't have the money to build up a place and since I guess the other business didn't want to (or couldn't) fork over the money to build a place. So naturally they came and ate us. We had until the end of July.
We decided to keep the store open, tell our customers, take the money we make and invest it into another business. Pizza. My husband knows pizza better than ANYTHING (job wise people
), knows how to run one and make money doing it. Plus we wouldn't have to worry about digital pizza taking over (or do we
hehe). There is a empty pizza place right by our house. It used to be a Pudge Brothers. The guy that used to have it, got stupid with his money and had to close it. We basically got handed this place for free. We are all ready to go with the company. Even the web site and flyers are ready and waiting for us to open. The people we are now having to deal with are the leasing of the store front. Everything has been going good about both things until we hit the last few days of July. Here is where gets crazy.
The company that does the leasing at the shopping center where the pizza place is, is stationed in CA. They have an accountant to handle things here in CO. They told their accountant that everything was ok, we were good to go and to collect the money and get the copies of the lease signed. We do all of that and so happy and scared. The lease gets signed and mailed to CA. Now they are saying they need to check my husband's financing again! They already approved us and made a verbal agreement! So now we don't know what's going on with this place. We are looking at other Pudge Brothers that are for sale as a back up plan. If these people for some reason go back on their agreement, we are going to sue them. Simply because there was a verbal agreement, everything was already checked out, we signed the lease and wrote the check. They haven't cashed it. We do plan on trying to re-open the book store but after we have a little more money or if we just can't get this pizza thing going right now.
As for the book store. The original owners of it are still involved because we didn't have the money to just buy it from them so we were making payments on top of the rent etc. They said they wanted to take as much as they could to their house. We were happy about that. They wanted us to start tearing down the store before 6pm (we were staying open until 6pm Sunday the mall hours to make money). My hubby told them no, we were not going to close and loose the money that we needed. That was one conflict. We staid open till 6, they weren't happy. They wanted the back computer so I deleted all my stuff from it, they decided they didn't want it because it no longer had the store program on it.
There were other little things here ad there but meh whatever. They had something to do so couldn't stay after 6 (I think the wife had to work). They took a lot but not nearly as much as we thought they would or hoped. So now we were left with more than half the store.
We did what we could n' boxing up the books and started tearing down the shelves. We ran out (there were 300 boxes!) so we had to stop. When we went to go grab more boxes from a box warehouse, no one was there and we were already running behind. The Uhal we rented didn't have a ramp so it made things harder. We had to start putting books in bags. We had a ton of them. We even used garbage bags. My 2 sons, my oldest son's friend and a mall helper started working our butts off trying to et things done. There was a verbal agreement to be out by 5 on Monday but then the mall manager left an email saying 3. We thought we could be out by 5 maybe a little later. Little did we know that with all the little crap that happened, it slowed us down. We were there until after 11pm and still didn't finish. We were about 65% done. We physically couldn't do any more work. We did mange to get 100 more boxes.
The next day (today Tuesday), my hubby sent an email to the mall manager explaining that we still had stuff there etc etc. He didn't go into all the details. She sends one back we need to get our people there TODAY and get the stuff out and was upset because of the agreement that was made. My hubby then told here we don't have "people", it's just us 2. She wanted the keys. She was so pissy about everything too. We have not had any good dealings with her in the past. Luckily we got the important stuff but still, how very fucking annoying. I can understand that there is another store waiting and there was an agreement made but things happen, we are not robots and there is only 2 of us. We were willing to get the place cleaned out things out of there in a few days but she can't just wanted the keys. I so hate it when people like that don't understand how business are done especially small ones.
So that is the whole story. We got things done but there were those ruff patches. It could have been worse but I am still very annoyed about how it all played out.
I will keep everyone updated about the pizza place that wants to know. Thanks for listening to my rambles.
We were told someone else wanted our spot and we needed to move. The people that want our spot can and will obviously be able to pay more rent than we can. We could have just moved to another spot in the mall but all of the empty spaces are not built. Meaning, there is an outer shell but inside the walls, floors, widows, doors etc are not there. Completely hollow. We so don't have the money to build up a place and since I guess the other business didn't want to (or couldn't) fork over the money to build a place. So naturally they came and ate us. We had until the end of July.
We decided to keep the store open, tell our customers, take the money we make and invest it into another business. Pizza. My husband knows pizza better than ANYTHING (job wise people
The company that does the leasing at the shopping center where the pizza place is, is stationed in CA. They have an accountant to handle things here in CO. They told their accountant that everything was ok, we were good to go and to collect the money and get the copies of the lease signed. We do all of that and so happy and scared. The lease gets signed and mailed to CA. Now they are saying they need to check my husband's financing again! They already approved us and made a verbal agreement! So now we don't know what's going on with this place. We are looking at other Pudge Brothers that are for sale as a back up plan. If these people for some reason go back on their agreement, we are going to sue them. Simply because there was a verbal agreement, everything was already checked out, we signed the lease and wrote the check. They haven't cashed it. We do plan on trying to re-open the book store but after we have a little more money or if we just can't get this pizza thing going right now.
As for the book store. The original owners of it are still involved because we didn't have the money to just buy it from them so we were making payments on top of the rent etc. They said they wanted to take as much as they could to their house. We were happy about that. They wanted us to start tearing down the store before 6pm (we were staying open until 6pm Sunday the mall hours to make money). My hubby told them no, we were not going to close and loose the money that we needed. That was one conflict. We staid open till 6, they weren't happy. They wanted the back computer so I deleted all my stuff from it, they decided they didn't want it because it no longer had the store program on it.
We did what we could n' boxing up the books and started tearing down the shelves. We ran out (there were 300 boxes!) so we had to stop. When we went to go grab more boxes from a box warehouse, no one was there and we were already running behind. The Uhal we rented didn't have a ramp so it made things harder. We had to start putting books in bags. We had a ton of them. We even used garbage bags. My 2 sons, my oldest son's friend and a mall helper started working our butts off trying to et things done. There was a verbal agreement to be out by 5 on Monday but then the mall manager left an email saying 3. We thought we could be out by 5 maybe a little later. Little did we know that with all the little crap that happened, it slowed us down. We were there until after 11pm and still didn't finish. We were about 65% done. We physically couldn't do any more work. We did mange to get 100 more boxes.
The next day (today Tuesday), my hubby sent an email to the mall manager explaining that we still had stuff there etc etc. He didn't go into all the details. She sends one back we need to get our people there TODAY and get the stuff out and was upset because of the agreement that was made. My hubby then told here we don't have "people", it's just us 2. She wanted the keys. She was so pissy about everything too. We have not had any good dealings with her in the past. Luckily we got the important stuff but still, how very fucking annoying. I can understand that there is another store waiting and there was an agreement made but things happen, we are not robots and there is only 2 of us. We were willing to get the place cleaned out things out of there in a few days but she can't just wanted the keys. I so hate it when people like that don't understand how business are done especially small ones.
So that is the whole story. We got things done but there were those ruff patches. It could have been worse but I am still very annoyed about how it all played out.
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